Welcoming the New Majors!

16 April 2018

In honor of the newly declared English majors joining the ranks of those that officially call Second Laird their second home, The Second Laird Miscellany decided to check in with the new recruits. We sent the new majors a series of brief questions, and many of them reported back!

The questions are as follows:

  1. Where are you from?
  2. Favorite English class at Carleton?
  3. Your go-to reading spot?
  4. What is one word to describe the average english major?

Check out their responses below and look forward to what these newcomers will bring to the department!


Meagen Allgood:

  1. I grew up in Kearney, Missouri but I’m most recently from Austin, Texas
  2. Greg Hewett’s Poetry Workshop
  3. The couches on third Libe are pretty stellar, but on the other hand so is my bed.
  4. Can “Carpal tunnel” count as one word?

Maddy Birnbaum:

  1. Palo Alto, California
  2. Shakespeare I!
  3. Laird attic
  4. Inquisitive

Kelly Buck:

  1. Los Altos, CA
  2. N/A
  3. My favorite reading spot is any of the couches in the Weitz
  4. Succinct

Kathleen Danielson:

  1. Woodbury, Minnesota
  2. Narrative Lab with Jane Hamilton
  3. The Bald Spot when it’s warm out and my bed with a warm mug of tea when it’s cold
  4. Eager

Gabriel Ferreira Friedrich:

  1. Sorocaba, Brazil, which is an hour and a half away from the city of São Paulo
  2. Tough choice, but probably African Literature in English
  3. I love reading in the OIIL lounge in the basement of Laird; super comfy + free coffee
  4. Effulgent

Jonathan Grinde:

  1. Madison, WI
  2. Critical Methods but I am excited for many more
  3. One of the window desks on second Libe is the best place to focus
  4. Persuading

Erica Helgerud:

  1. The Woodlands, TX! It’s about 40 minutes North of Houston
  2. It’s a tie between “Public Offenders: Pre-Raphaelites and the Bloomsbury Group” with Susan and “Moby-Dick and Its Contexts” with Peter!
  3. The nook under the back stairs with the colorful couches on 3rd Libe; it’s so cozy!
  4. Passionate 🙂

Lucy Horrell:

  1. Nashville, Tennessee
  2. Faulkner, Hemingway, and Fitzgerald with Michael Kowalewski, because all of the stories are well suited for a freshly brewed cup of just-ground black coffee while curled up in my room
  3. N/A (or see above)
  4. Anxious

Jacob Isaacs:

  1. San Jose, California
  2. The Postcolonial Novel with Arnab
  3. The classics lounge
  4. Literate

Cece Lasley:

  1. Millersville, Maryland
  2. The Merchant of Venice: A Project Class”
  3. The lounge by Weitz 236
  4. Bookish

Isabel McFadden:

  1. Seattle Washington
  2. Reading Fiction
  3. Upper Sayles
  4. Self-assured

Lulu Mourning:

  1. Brooklyn, NY
  2. The Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood and the Bloomsbury Group
  3. N/A
  4. Maladjusted

Yoni Rekem:

  1. South Orange, New Jersey
  2. Narrative Lab with Jane Hamilton
  3. Third Laird, Third Libe, or Third Davis.
  4. Layered

Luke Webb:

  1. Amherst Massachusetts,
  2. Old British Comedy
  3. In my bed
  4. Pensive

Nathan Williams:

  1. Sandy Hook, CT
  2. Milton w/ Timothy Raylor
  3. Upper Sayles, I like the background noise
  4. Gnarly

Addison Williamson:

  1. Des Moines, IA–just outside the middle of nowhere
  2. Shakespeare I
  3. I love reading in the hammock at my house
  4. I would describe the average english major as “knotty-pated,” including myself!

Peter Wilson:

  1. Woodstock, Vermont
  2. Postcolonial Novel
  3. 3rd Libe table with a soft chair
  4. Indescribable


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