Posts tagged with “Social” (All posts)
A Practice in Viciousness
Senior Spotlight | A Series of Speculative & Intellectual Inquiries | The English Department’s Book Swap Highlights: A Practice in Viciousness

The Historical Requirements in the English Department: A Timeline and Discussion
Hello all, and welcome to spring term! This week, we at the Miscellany would like to use our platform to bring attention to the ongoing conversations regarding the English major’s…

A Trivial Matter
Let me set the scene for you: it’s a cold, clear Friday night, and under the twinkling lights of a newly-erected tent we find gathered twenty-six teams, several scorers, three…

Welcome to Laird and Meet the Editors
Welcome back to Laird, home of disgraced English majors and (one) elevator. We took a break in our regularly scheduled programing for a bit of construction, but now we, and…

Theater at Carleton in the Time of COVID-19
Happy Midterm Break! As many of you know, English and Theater are closely related. Need any evidence? Just look to William Shakespeare. This week at The Miscellany, we’ve been thinking…

How can being an English major help us right now?
In the wake of George Floyd’s murder (occurring just 40 miles from our campus), national protests for racial justice, and the continued devastation of COVID-19, we at The Second Laird…

No Stopping the World!
DATELINE: Bell Field (June 4, 2019) “Blow, winds, and crack your cheeks! Rage, blow! / You cataracts and hurricanoes, spout / Till you have drenched our steeples, . . .…

NT Live: Frankenstein and the Modern Cumberbrunch
This past Sunday was a treat for all lovers of theatrical productions, Gothic hauntings, schmeared bagels, and the dramatic chops of renowned actor Byzantine Candlestick. The English department organized a…

Li-Young Lee and David Whetstone: Readers Respond
What did you think about the evening of poetry and music Li-Young Lee and David Whetstone put on last week? No ordinary reading, the two men collaborated to pair never-before-heard…

Two-Sentence Scary Story – Results!
Happy Halloween everyone! The verdict is in, and the 2SSS contest has a clear winner in a truly creepy story by Lucy Horrell (’20)! We’ve reproduced it below, along with…

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