Posts tagged with “Memorials” (All posts)
Memorial for Owen Jenkins, Wayne Carver, November 4, 2002
This eulogy was written by Wayne Carver, very slightly revised and then read by George Soule at a meeting of the Carleton College Faculty on November 4, 2002. Paragraphs in…
“Remembering Wayne,” Keith Harrison
IN GRATEFUL MEMORY OF WAYNE CARVER By Keith Harrison, Emeritus Professor (written April 12, 2015) With luck, each of us meets a great human being once in a lifetime. Those…
“Remembering Wayne,” Bob Tisdale
There follows the text of a eulogy delivered by Emeritus Professor Robert Tisdale at Wayne Carver’s Memorial Service, April 18, 2015, in Skinner Chapel. The Second Laird Miscellany thanks Professor…
“Remembering Wayne,” Mike Kowalewski
I came to Carleton to teach American literature and American Studies in 1991, ostensibly to “replace” Wayne Carver as he retired. I quickly realized that no one could possibly take…
“Remembering Vern”, Susan Jaret McKinstry
Vern Bailey was a wonder. He combined an abundant 18th century wit (all intelligence and wordplay, with none of today’s cheap sarcasm) with lively delight in the newest technologies. He…
“Remembering Vern”, Steve Braun (’74)
September 1970. I came on campus certain no student entering Carleton was in greater need of guidance. I was most fortunate. Vern Bailey was assigned to be my academic advisor.…
“Remembering Vern”, Michael Kowalewski
I first met Vern Bailey in 1991, when I arrived at Carleton from Princeton. I had the good fortune to be his colleague for the last nine years of his…
“Remembering Vern”, Wendy West (’94)
Vern Bailey fearlessly led a group of us through London in the first few months of 1992. We stayed in a narrow hotel with uneven floors and spent our daily…
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