Posts tagged with “Announcements” (All posts)
Upcoming Events, Week of January 27
January 29th – 30th Come and listen to friends, faculty and staff members read Tristram Shandy by Laurence Sterne from 12:50PM Wednesday, January 29th through noon on Thursday, January 30th.…

Upcoming Events, Week of January 20
January 21st Do you have questions about finding internships? Come to Weitz 236 (Larson Room) on Tuesday, January 21st from 7:30-8:30pm for student-to-student consulting on all of those questions you…

Upcoming Events, Week of November 4
November 6th The Dictionary Game, imported from Tim’s school in Yorkshire, involves real, but obscure, words that come trailing amusing fake definitions and one amazing real one. The object is…

Upcoming Events, Week of October 21
October 25th Salman Rushdie will deliver this year’s Lucas Lecture titled, “Censorship and the Satanic Verses – 25 Years Later” at 6PM at the Carleton College Rec Center. Please note…

A New Format for the Miscellany
The Second Laird Miscellany is now a blog. Our editors this year are Molly Work and Isaac Werner, with the assistance of Shavera Seneviratne (’13), the Department’s Educational Associate for…

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