English Comps Symposium – Saturday, May 5, 2018
Coffee & Pastries — Hallway of 2nd Laird — 9:00 AM
WELCOME — Department Chair Nancy Cho — 9:25 AM
SESSION I 9:30-10:30 AM
A. Research I: Constructing Gender and Genre — Laird 206
Klara Rossby, “Alexander McQueen: Couturier of Stories”
Hannah Gellman, “Female Agency within Shakespeare’s Brother-Sister Relationships”
Jane Kelly, “Ms. Marvel and the Evolution of American Body Politics in Superhero Comics”
B. The Poets — Laird 212
Annmarie Delfino, “Silver Witness”
Bonnie Lindgren, “Uncertain Creatures”
Francisco Alvarez, “The Immigrant Problem”
SESSION II 10:40-11:45 AM
A. Colloquium: Imitation & Revision — Laird 206
Emma Halper, Grace Johnson, Natty Maneerit, Saul Melo, Alexandra Pozniak,
Mary Savoye, Adriana Smith, Christine Zheng
B. The Story Tellers — Laird 211
Alison Lorenz, “These Are Her Places”
Madison Chambers & Tina Sieben, “Fisher”
C. Research II: On Narrative and Reading — Laird 212
Martha Durrett, “Data-Driven Literary Analysis of the Works of Charles Dickens”
Melannie Wurm, “Corrupt & Incorruptible: Fitzgerald, Steinbeck, and the American Dream”
Joseph Brommel, “On Reading Pale Fire”
RECEPTION / LUNCH — Hallway of 2nd Laird — 12:00-1:00 PM