English Comps Symposium – Saturday, May 10, 2014
Coffee & Muffins available—Laird Second Floor Hallway—9:00 a.m.
WELCOME—Chair Tim Raylor—9:25 a.m.
Session I – 9:30-10:30
A. The Power of Literature—Laird 206
- Erica Lobel, “The Child’s Perspective in Ender’s Game and Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland”
- Madeline Reynolds, “The Efficacy of Political Poetry in Shelley”
- Kailey Schumacher, “Social Justice through Christian Community in Gaskell”
B. Creative Writing I—Laird 211
- Emily Bernard—The Short Story: “Sheila Painting Herself”
- Patsy Pineda—Poetry: “The Early Years of Ana Lucia”
C. Distortion, Enigma, and Unwanted Motherhood—Laird 212
- Daniel Bertaud, “Image and Distortion in the Los Angeles Novel”
- Amy Swerdlow, “Unwanted Motherhood in Faulkner”
- Jordan Washam, “The Enigmatic and Ambiguous Jay Gatsby”
Session II – 10:35-11:35
A. Comedy and Dark Humor—Laird 206
- Nick Hittner-Cunningham, “Deconstructing Dualities in Early Modern Comedies”
- Hannah Neville, “Female Modesty and Sexuality in Restoration Comedies”
- John O’Brien, “Dark Humor in Novels Inspired by the Second World War ”
B. Creative Writing II—Laird 211
- Ariane Mass—Poems: “Ventriloquated”
- Sarah Walz—Poems: “Pauses”
C. Misogyny, Dementia, and Generic Boundaries—Laird 212
- Emily Boghossian, “Narrative Nonfiction from Didion and the New Journalists to the Millenials”
- Joseph Steigmeyer, “First-Person Portrayal of Dementia in Contemporary Fiction”
- Kayla Tam, “Women as Satellites: Androcentrism and Misogyny in Huxley and Orwell”
Session III – 11:40-12:40
A. Colloquium: Dangerous Writing, Dangerous Reading—Laird 211
- Asiya Gaildon, Micaela Hahn, Gwendolyn Hogan, Shaquille Malcolm, Isaac Werner, Molly Work
B. Histories, The “Troubles,” and Transgression—Laird 212
- Elizabeth Callen, “Memory as a Challenge to Hegemonic Histories in Cisneros and Diaz”
- Molly Hemes, “Children of the Troubles in Contemporary Northern Irish Fiction”
- Halah Mohammed, “Reexamining Transgression in Nella Larsen and Jessie Fauset”
RECEPTION/LUNCH—Laird Second Floor Hallway—12:40-1:30 p.m.