English Comps Symposium – Saturday, May 7, 2011
Welcome – 12:45 –Laird Second Floor Hallway/ Stairs
Session I – 1:00-2:00
A. Poetry – Laird 206
- Devin Daugherty, “interruptions”
- Nayoung Hyun, “Wingless Flight”
- Todd Anderson, “Just Because There’s Pieces Doesn’t Mean It’s a Puzzle”
B. Early English Lit – Laird 211
- Rebecca Huffman, “Controlling Space in Chaucer’s Gardens”
- Rose Schuchat, “Virtue Distorted: Pamela’s Conduct Book Intentions & Epistolary Form ”
- Peter Bonamici, “Blake’s Romantic Reader”
C. Fiction and Interpretation – Laird 212
- Rae Wood, “Gone for Good”
- Emily Schickli, “Alice, in Six Stories”
- Kale Zicafoose, “Fitzgerald and Hemingway’s Women: Text and Typography”
Session II – 2:15-3:15
A. 20th Century Lit – Laird 206
- Matthew Hart, “Domesticity and the Dual Self in Edward Abbey’s Desert Solitaire”
- Sally Larkins, “Bogged Down: Intersections of Past & Present in Seamus Heaney”
- Gabe Silberblatt, “Revising, Re-visioning: Italo Calvino and the Politics of Play”
B. Fiction – Laird 211
- Jimmy Dreese, “The Incandescent Nooks and Crannies of the Bound or Completely Infinite Universe”
- Andrew Bergman, “Even”
- Mariko Conner, “Technicolor Lola”
C. Performance – Laird 212
- Morgan Holmes, “ ‘Joe Turner’s Come and Gone’: Wilson’s Challenge to History”
- Julie McCormick, “Subversive Theatricality in Richardson’s Pamela”
- Jenny Schmidt, “From Stage to Page: Monologues of Herford, Fisk, and Draper”
Session III – 3:30-4:30
A. 19th Century Lit – Laird 212
- Sally Morgridge, “Visualizing ‘The Fall of the House of Usher’ “
- Lingerr Senghor, “The Other Sister: Reclaiming Anne Bronte for the Victorian Canon”
- Lauren Millikan, “Curiouser and Curiouser: Alice in Wonderland on the Web”
B. Fiction and Interpretation – Laird 206
- Amy Sun, “The Man Who Shot Down the Sun”
- Courtney Wipf, “Never Break the Chain”
- Amanda Sweet, “Half-Native Art”
C. Colloquium Group – Laird 211: Clare Bansberg, Leigh-Anne Borkowski, Will Connelly, Emily Edmond, Hugh Gallagher, Laura Knutson, Anna Preus, Ben Sommer
Reception – 4:30-5:30 – Laird Second Floor Hallway