Apr 11
Teaching at Carleton during the New Culture Wars: Triggers, Cancel Culture and Academic Freedom
Due to a variety of challenges from both the left and the right, for many professors, choosing what to include in their curriculum has become an agonizing task with political, professional, and ethical dimensions. If we remove all content with texture, complexity, and realism, what will remain for our students? A rote curriculum completely devoid of the opportunity to confront and discuss, in a safe space, real world issues? How do we balance the freedom to teach sensitive topics with care for our students? The session will include the perspectives of professors from a variety of disciplines.
Deborah Appleman, Hollis L. Caswell Professor of Educational Studies
Ross Elfline, Associate Professor of Art History
Amna Khalid, Associate Professor of History
Jeff Snyder, Associate Professor of Educational Studies
from Humanities Center
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