Income Inequality and Health Care Reform: The Gordian Knot

Tuesday, April 29th, 2014

The Affordable Care Act is an important first step in health insurance reform, but the United States also has the harder task of reforming health care. To date, we have been more concerned with paying for health care and less with the problems of health care itself. We will explore the strong link between growing income inequality and the urgent problems of health care and argue that we cannot solve one without the other.  Students are welcome to attend.

Martha White Pass, Wadsworth A. Williams Professor of Economics and Member, Carleton Chapter of Phi Beta Kappa Discussant: Kenneth Abrams, Associate Professor of Psychology and Member, Carleton Chapter of Phi Beta Kappa Introduction by Kathleen M. Galotti, William H. Laird Professor of Cognitive Science and President, Carleton Chapter of Phi Beta Kappa Co-sponsored with Carleton Chapter, Phi Beta Kappa

LTC: Phi Beta Kappa Lecture: Income Inequality and Health Care Reform: The Gordian Knot (April 29)

The Affordable Care Act is an important first step in health insurance reform, but the United States also has the harder task of reforming health care. To date, we have been more concerned with paying for health care and less with the problems of health care itself. We will explore the strong link between growing income inequality and the urgent problems of health care and argue that we cannot solve one without the other. Students are welcome to attend. Martha White Paas, Wadsworth A. Williams Professor of Economics and member of the Carleton Chapter of Phi Beta Kappa; with Discussant Kenneth Abrams, Associate Professor of Psychology and member of the Carleton Chapter of Phi Beta. Kappa; and Introduction by Kathleen M. Galotti, William H. Laird Professor of Cognitive Science and President of the Carleton Chapter of Phi Beta Kappa Co-sponsored by the Carleton Chapter of Phi Beta Kappa