There are a number of open and enclosed study areas in Gould library, academic buildings, Sayles-Hill Campus Center, and dorms, as well as unscheduled classrooms, which are available to students to use for studying or for synchronous zoom sessions. Currently, they are on a first-come, first-served basis. Many of them can accommodate more than a single student; students should remain masked in these indoor spaces. Classrooms in which regular classes are scheduled are not available to use in this way until after the class day is over (after 9:30 PM). There is no eating or drinking in enclosed study spaces or classrooms. 

The daily class schedule is posted here. The most frequently scheduled class periods are 2a, 3a, 2-3c, and 4-5c. As a courtesy to others, please use study spaces for only one class period at a time. There are also picnic tables and outdoor furniture scattered across campus, where students can connect with campus wifi to do their coursework.

Student OneCard building access

Academic Buildings and Sayles-Hill: 7 AM – 12 AM daily

Gould Library:  8 AM – 12 AM Mon – Thurs; 8 AM – 11 PM Fri; 10 AM – 11 PM Sat; 10 AM – 12 AM Sun