January Prior to Review Year

The Provost’s office will send a letter regarding class visits to the chair. The Chair should discuss this letter with the candidate, and return the signed letter to the Provost. Class visits are to be made winter and spring of the second year and early fall term of the third year. 

Winter Term Prior to Review Year

Attend the kick-off meeting. The Provost’s office schedules a group meeting with the Provost and members of the faculty who will undergo third-year reviews, their department chairs (or special review committee chairs), associate director of institutional research, chair of FAC, and a representative of the FPC.


The candidate will submit any requests for extra-departmental letters.


At this time, the candidate will submit their lists of students to be asked to evaluate their teaching. They may also submit a request to omit students from the sampling.

Winter Break

Evaluations are sent to students and graduates. Student and graduate responses are due in the provost’s office prior to winter term start-up. Handwritten responses are typed by the provost’s office.

Early January

Candidate uploads their c.v., prospectus, scholarly materials, list of items submitted and role in any co-authored work to their individual Moodle review site. After all materials are submitted the candidate will be removed from their Moodle review site.

January – February

The Provost reads the candidate’s dossier and student evaluations.

The candidate reads the student evaluations (with names and addresses removed). The candidate then meets with the Provost regarding student evaluations and submitted materials.

February – March

After the candidate meets with the Provost, the Provost’s office will add the tenured members of the department to the candidate’s Moodle site. The Moodle site will include the candidate’s c.v., course syllabi (if provided), prospectus, the code sheets for student/graduate evaluations and the student/graduate evaluations, scholarly materials, and extra-departmental letters (if any). 

The department will conduct a thorough discussion among the tenured members of your department. The department chair will write a departmental letter that should reflect the full range of the departmental discussions. Tenured faculty will write individual letters.

March – April

The Provost’s office will circulate the dossier files to the President and to two FPC members assigned to read the file. The dossier includes the same materials sent to you in February/March plus the departmental and individual letters. The Provost and President will make a reappointment decision in consultation with FPC and the Provost will draft third-year review letter. The FPC discusses the letter and the file.

May – Early June

The Provost shares the draft with the department or review committee chair. The chair may supply written feedback on the letter within 24 hours. The Provost’s office schedules a time for the candidate and Department Chair to read the draft third-year review letter 48 hours prior to a meeting with the Provost to discuss its content. The final third-year review letter is sent to the candidate with a copy to the department chair. The Department Chair circulates the letter among all tenured colleagues before filing it.