Infectious diseases are illnesses caused by pathogens (such as bacteria, viruses, or fungi) that enter the body, multiply, and can cause an infection. Sometimes, these diseases can be spread from person to person, from animal to person, or through contact with contaminated surfaces, food, water, or the air. 

Examples of infectious diseases include: COVID-19, infleunza, MRSA, measles, tuberculosis, and strep throat.

Some infectious diseases are well-known within our community but others may be emerging concerns (those that have increased recently or are threatening to increase in the near future).

The goal of this page is to keep the Carleton community informed on infectious disease concerns that might be affecting our campus.

Carleton College utilizes a unified approach that engages staff and resources from across the college to keep our community safe while maintaining essential operations while managing infectious disease concerns. This model results in a shared understanding of priorities and restrictions, a single set of incident objectives, collaborative strategies, improved internal and external information flow, less duplication of efforts, and better resource utilization.
