Photo of Wes Markofski

Wes Markofski

Associate Professor of Sociology, Sociology and Anthropology
Chair of Sociology and Anthropology, Sociology and Anthropology

Education & Professional History

University of Wisconsin (Madison), BS, MS, PhD

At Carleton since 2016.

Highlights & Recent Activity

Markofski, Wes. In press. Good News for Common Goods: Multicultural Evangelicalism and Ethical Democracy in America. New York: Oxford University Press.

Markofski, Wes, Brad R. Fulton, and Richard L. Wood.  2020.  “Secular Evangelicals: Faith-Based Organizing and Four Modes of Public Religion.”  Sociology of Religion 81(2): 158-184.

Markofski, Wes.  2019.  “Reflexive Evangelicalism.”  Political Power and Social Theory 36: 47-74.

Markofski, Wes.  2018. “The Other Evangelicals.” Series on “American Religion, Humility, and Democracy.” The Immanent Frame.

Markofski, Wes.  2017. “Forum: Studying Religion in the Age of Trump.” Religion and American Culture: A Journal of Interpretation 27 (1): 23-28.

Markofski, Wes. 2015. New Monasticism and the Transformation of American Evangelicalism. New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Markofski, Wes. 2015. “The Public Sociology of Religion.” Sociology of Religion 76(4): 459-475.

Organizations & Scholarly Affiliations

American Sociological Association

Society for the Scientific Study of Religion

Network for the Sociological Study of Science and Religion

Photo of Wes Markofski


Curriculum Vitae
