Photo of Sarah Calhoun

Sarah Calhoun ’01

Reference & Instruction Librarian for Humanities and Digital Scholarship, Gould Library

Education & Professional History

My work at Carleton:

I work in the Library as the Reference & Instruction Librarian for Humanities and Digital Scholarship. As part of that, I help students navigate the library, and find primary and secondary sources for class papers, comps, or independent projects. Come say hi when I’m sitting at the Research/IT Desk or I’m in my office!

I also supervise the Digital Humanities Associates and the Digital Scholarship Interns, and work closely with many other groups around campus and at St. Olaf to help support digital scholarship work. The thing that most excites me about digital scholarship is its potential for improving accessibility of scholarship, both in terms of reaching scholars with disabilities but also helping to cross language and writing system barriers.



* UW-Madison, MA ’11 (Library and Information Studies – multi-lingual computing and digital humanities)

* UW-Madison, MA ’06 (Languages and Cultures of Asia – history of Thai and Sri Lankan Theravada Buddhist literature)

Carleton College, BA ’01 (Religion – Buddhism)


Languages studied:

French, Russian, Sanskrit, Pali, *Sinhala, *Thai, *Hindi


*Much of my graduate study was generously funded by the Madison Title VI (National Resource) Centers for South and Southeast Asia, including multiple rounds of FLAS Fellowships

At Carleton since 2016.

Organizations & Scholarly Affiliations

Association of Asian Studies (AAS)

Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL)

Center for Research Libraries (CRL) – South Asia Materials Project (SAMP)

CONSALD (Committee of South Asian Libraries and Documentation), Executive Board 2024-