Becky Zrimsek ’89
As the Assistant Vice President for External Relations, Becky oversees Alumni Relations and Annual Giving, with ongoing attention to special alumni engagement projects. Her roles at Carleton have included multiple positions within Alumni Relations, including serving as director 2003-2012; directing and then overseeing annual giving; and strengthening Carleton’s culture of volunteer service and philanthropy. During the Every Carl for Carleton campaign, which raised nearly $492 million for the college, Becky led the planning for annual fund leadership giving growth, led the on- and off-campus public launch events and served on the campaign leadership team. She graduated from Carleton in 1989.
Becky has most recently served as chair of the Superior Hiking Trail Association, and has been a member of several Northfield-area boards. She lives in Northfield with her husband.
At Carleton since 1992.