Education & Professional History
University of Pennsylvania, MA; MSE; PhD
I joined the Carleton faculty in 1983. I received a B.A. (with a double major in Psychology and Economics) from Wellesley College, and an M.A. and Ph.D. in Psychology, and an M.S.E. in Computer and Information Sciences at the University of Pennsylvania. At Carleton I teach courses in developmental and cognitive psychology, as well as courses in introductory cognitive science. In past years, I also frequently taught introductory psychology and psychological statistics. I helped establish the Cognitive Studies concentration at Carleton, and serve as its coordinator. I also served as the Psychology Department chair from 1991-1994. I am the author of two textbooks Cognitive Psychology In and Out of the Laboratory, and Cognitive Development: Infancy Through Adolescence, as well as a trade book, Making Decisions in Everyday Life, and over two dozen journal articles.
In my life outside of Carleton (Yes! I have one!) I am a mom to Tim and Kimmie. I also train Bernese Mountain dogs in obedience, and am a licensed obedience judge in the AKC and ASCA registries.
Follow the links below to see course syllabi, publications and grants, photos and more information about my dog-related activities, and recent and not-so-recent photos of Tim, Kimmie, and the dogs!
At Carleton since 1983.
- National Science Foundation, Research in Undergraduate Institutions Program: “Dyadic and Individual Decision Making” 2001-2007 ($219,835)
- National Science Foundation, Research Experiences for Undergraduates Program: “Acquiring, Organizing, and Using Information” 1995 (Principal Investigator/Project Director; with Susan Singer, Lloyd Komatsu, Sharon Akimoto, Roy Elveton) ($43,500).
- National Institute of Child Health and Development, AREA Program, “Adolescents Making Real Life Decisions”, 1991-93 ($45,584)
- The Spencer Foundation, “Adolescents Making Real Life Decisions: Choosing a College,”1991-1993 ($44,625)
- National Science Foundation, Instrument and Laboratory Improvement Program: “Equipping a Cognitive Studies Microcomputer Laboratory for Undergraduate Instruction” 1989-91 (with Lloyd Komatsu, Roger Kirchner, and Michael Flynn) ($63,284 with matching funds of $63,284 from Carleton College)
- Texas Instruments, “Development of a Statistical Consultant,” (with 6 others), 1985-86 (2 TI Portable Professional Computers, with associated software)
- National Science Foundation, Special Projects Program: “CSNET services” (with Richard Nau, Richard Brown, Roger Kirchner, and Linda Ness), 1985-1988 ($6,253)
- The Spencer Foundation, “The Development of Reasoning Skills in Middle Childhood and Early Adolescence,” 1985 ($20,200)
- Carleton College, Howard Hughes Medical Institute , (administered through Carleton College) “Consistency in Academic Decision-Making,” 2012 ($3,200)
- Carleton College, Howard Hughes Medical Institute , (administered through Carleton College) “Consistency in Academic Decision-Making,” 2011 ($5,400)
- Carleton College, Faculty Development Award, “Consistency in Academic Decision-Making,” 2011 ($1,000).
- Carleton College, Curriculum Development, “Revision of an Introduction to Cognitive Science course”, 2010 ($3,000).
- Carleton College, Howard Hughes Medical Institute (administered through Carleton College) “Consistency in Academic Decision-Making,” 2010 ($5,400)
- Carleton College, Faculty Development Award, “Consistency in Academic Decision-Making,” 2010 ($3,000).
- Carleton College, Howard Hughes Medical Institute (administered through Carleton College) “Parents Making School Choice Decisions,” 2007 ($5,400)
- Carleton College, Howard Hughes Medical Institute (administered through Carleton College) “Parents Making School Choice Decisions,” 2006 ($8,200)
- Carleton College, Eugster Fellowship, “Parents Making Real-Life Decisions;” 2005-06 ($32,700)
- Carleton College, Program in Ethical Reflections, “Incorporating Moral and Ethical Issues into Developmental and Cognitive Psychology Courses”, 2004-05, ($ 1940)
- Carleton College, Roth Fund, Targeted Opportunity Grant, “Examination of a Skill-Based Approach to Undergraduate Distribution Requirements”, (with Martha Paas) 2005, ($15,500)
- Carleton College, Curricular Computing Grant, “Exploring Software for Cognitive Psychology Teaching,” 2002, ($4000)
- Carleton College, Faculty Development Award “Cognitive Psychology In and Out of the Laboratory, 3rd edition, 2002 ($2500)
- Carleton College, Targeted Opportunity Award, “A Longitudinal Study of College Students Choosing a Major” 2002 ($29,000)
- Carleton College, Faculty Development Award, “Making Decisions in Everyday Life,” 2000 ($24,500)
- Carleton College, Howard Hughes Medical Institute (administered through Carleton College) “Parents Making School Choice Decisions,” 2000 ($1,200).
- Carleton College, Faculty Development Award, “Making Decisions in Everyday Life,” 1999 ($2,500)
- Carleton College, Curriculum Development, “Development of a Seminar on Decision-Making,” (with Scott Bierman), 1999 ($2,500)
- Carleton College, Howard Hughes Medical Institute (administered through Carleton College) “Self-Education and Real-Life Decision Making: Gathering and Assessing Information To Make Prenatal Care Choices,” 1998 ($1,400).
- Carleton College, Howard Hughes Medical Institute (administered through Carleton College) “Self-Education and Real-Life Decision Making: Gathering and Assessing Information To Make Prenatal Care Choices,” 1997 ($1,900).
- Carleton College, Ford Foundation Cognitive Science Award, “Cognitive Psychology In and Out of the Laboratory,” 1991 ($2,000)
- Carleton College, Faculty Development Award, “Cognitive Psychology In and Out of the Laboratory,” 1989 ($2,000)
- Carleton College, Faculty Development Award, “Generating Alternatives as a Fundamental Process in Thinking and Reasoning,” 1986 ($1,250)
- Carleton College, Sloan Foundation Award, “Instance Generation in Reasoning,” 1985 ($7,667)
- Carleton College, Curriculum Development Award, “Development of a Seminar on Adolescence,” (with Steven Kozberg), 1984 ($800) (with Steven Kozberg), 1984
Undergraduate Theses Supervised
- Mark D. Daly, Self-Deception: The Unavailability of Preconscious Thought, 1984
- Kathleen A. Houle, Personality Differences in Athletes: A Study of Carleton College
Female Athletes and Nonathletes, 1984 - Troy W. Mangan, A Short-term Cognitive-behavioral Intervention for First-graders with Behavior Problems, 1984
- Sharon L. Mitchell, The Relationship Between Teacher Expectations, Teacher Behavior,
and Student Behavior, 1984 - Paul A. Mullin, A Featural Manipulation of Stimuli I a Visual Search Task: Reaction Times For Detecting Letter Targets Amongst Distractor Letters Versus Distractor Digits, 1984
- Lisa Vecoli, Feminist Therapy: Assumptions, Integration and Issues, 1984
- Sara J. Brose, Children’s Conceptions of the Origin and “Naughtiness” of Social
Conventions and Moral Prohibitions, 1985 - Deborah Parker, Levels of Moral Reasoning as a Function of Sex Role Orientation and
Sex of the Dilemma Protagonist, 1985 - Beth C. Wiggins, Learned Helplessness and Attribution Theory Among Boys and Girls, 1985
- Frances S. Go, Self-worth and Altruism in Preschool Children, 1986
- Monica C. Stevens, Relationships Between Behavioral and Artistic Expression in
Preschoolers, 1986 - Andrew Becker, Sex Differences in Problem Solving as a Function of Field Independence, Conceptual Tempo and Learned Helplessness, 1987
- Susan Boley, Sex Differences in Childhood Toy Preferences, 1987
- Kristin Holden, Framing/Outcome effects and Familiarity Effects in Consumer Decisions, 1987
- Laura Pugh, High School and College Students’ Perceptions of Sibling Relationships,1987
- Gina Wiese, Animistic Thought in Preschool and Elementary School Children, 1987
- Sheila M. Haley, The Nature of Expertise: Comparing Experts Across Domains, 1988
- John Levin, The Role of Connectionism in Cognitive Science, 1988
- Andrea K. Matchett, Content Change and Children’s Prediction of Change in the Self-Concept, 1988
- Christyn Dundorf, The Effects of Play with Structured and Unstructured Toys on Preschoolers’ Creativity as Measured by Associative Fluency, 1989
- Paula Erickson, Determinants of Parental Styles of Discipline, 1989
- Heidi Mueller, The Structure of Children’s Stories, 1989
- Amanda Buttress, Associations Between Popular Music and Adolescents’ Sex-Role Attitudes, 1990
- Laura Matheny, The Development of Humor in Children, 1990
- Daniel J. Simons, Planning Skills and Scheduling Ability: An Analysis of Everyday Planning, 1990
- Paige Pendleton, The Teacher/Student Script: How Do Children Attribute Knowledge
to Adults?, 1992 - Brenna Backstrand, The Effect of Visual Stimuli on Attention to a Lecture, 1993
- Simin Ho, Differences in Gender Schema of College-Aged Females and Males, 1993
- Laura Gibson, From Childhood to Adolescence: Gender Differences in Responses to
Depressed Mood, 1994 - Emily Millikan The Relationship Between Cognitive Processing Biases and Identity
Development in the Career Exploration Process, 1994 - J. Elizabeth Likens, Children’s Implicit Theories of Intelligence and Locus of Control, 1995
- Aimee Maxwell, Success Imagery as a Method of Changing Locus of Control in
Adolescents, 1995 - Holli Tonyan, Day Care and the Use of Strategies in Social Situations: An Exploration of Peer-Group Entry Strategy, 1995
- Kathryn Ainsworth, How Students Regard Separate and Connected Knowing in Different Academic Disciplines, 1996
- Stephanie Cornils, Birth Order: A Review of the Literature on Personality Outcomes,
Differential Treatment, and Differential Expectations, 1996 - David Hong, Social Problem Solving and Self-Perception in Children with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, 1996
- Elizabeth M. Nybakken, The Role of Experience in the Development of Scripts, 1996
- Ryan Hunt, Does Myers Brigg’s Personality Type Predict Analogical Reasoning
Performance? 1997 - Heidi Sickler, Teacher Perceptions of Multiple Intelligences, 1997
- Beth M. Lavin, Everyday Decision Making: Room Draw, 1998
- Hope Altenbaumer, Do Hypothetical Dilemmas Affect Recall and Description of Real-life Moral Dilemmas?, 1999
- Rebecca Reimer & David W. Drebus, Ways of Knowing as Learning Styles, 1999
- Sarah Yarian, Helping Adolescents Make Thoughtful Sexual Decisions: A Triangular Model, 1999
- Lucie M. Shipp, Let’s Get It On! Wait, Let Me Think First: A Study of Decision-Making About Sexual Behavior in Older Adolescents, 2000
- Twila A. Wingrove, An Investigation of Models Accounting for the Effects of Childhood Sexual Abuse, 2000
- Kelly Carmichael, Decision-Making of Separate and Connected Knowers: Choosing a
College Major, 2001 - Dianna Murray-Close, The Moral Status of Physical and Relational Aggression in
Elementary School Children, 2001 - Jennifer Cooper, Enhanced Performance in Counterfactual Reasoning, 2002
- Emily Dworkin, The Effect of Personal Connectedness on Flashbulb Memories of the
September 11th Terrorist Attacks, 2002 - Deanna Fierman, Bilingual Language Acquisition in a Controlled Environment:
Implications for Current and Future Psycholinguistic Research, 2002 - Rebecca Hurwitz, The Development of Forgiveness: Real Life Situations, 2002
- Cora Monahan, Gender Differences in Career Aspirations as a Function of Perceived
Competence, 2002 - Melinda Jensen, What We See and What We Don’t: The Change Blindness Debate, 2003
- Joanne Kane, Indelible Ink: Comparing the Factors Considered by Tattooed versus Nontatooed Late Adolescents in Long-Term Decisions of Permanent Body Modification, 2003.
- Allison Rupp, The Effects of Siblings on Self-Perception of Identity in Adolescence, 2003
- Garret Westlake, Cognitive Theories of Word Perception: Their Role in the Orton- Gillingham Tutoring Method and Beyond, 2003
- Michael P. Berger. Cognitive Rigidity in Problem-Solving, 2004
- Elizabeth A. Sehr, Why Some Fail Where Others Succeed: A Model of Attributional Style and Performance, 2004
- Julie Woulfe, Cognitive Explanations of the Social Criteria of Autism Spectrum Disorder, 2004
- Caroline Conrad, College Students’ Perceptions Toward Cooperative Learning Linked to Ways of Knowing, 2005
- Drew Dara-Abrams, Bringing Urban Form into Spatial Cognition and the Mind into Space Syntax, 2005.
- Zina Deldar, Is Justice Served When Jurors Fail to Examine Evidence? A Investigation of Deliberation Styles, 2005
- Kate Jones, Scaffolding of Preschoolers’ Theory of Mind: The Effects of Sibling Age Gap on False Belief Tasks, 2005.
- Nicolas Larsen. Effects of Immersion Style and Video Game Exposure on Spatial Performance in a Virtual Environment, 2005.
- Anna Maier, Translating Research into Practice: An Analysis of the Oregon Social Learning Center’s Multidimensional Treatment Foster Care Model, 2005
- Carey Tinkelenberg, Goal Orientation and Achievement Motivation in Elite and Non-Elite Figure Skaters, 2005.
- Helen Behr, The Influence of School Environment on Theories of Intelligence in Gifted Students, 2007.
- Anna Graefe, Adolescent Medical Decision-Making, 2007.
- Jamie Olson, Reputation in the Prisoners’ Dilemma, 2007.
- Jedda Foreman, “What’s the Game?”: Peer Group Entry Strategies as a Function of Socioeconomic Status, 2008
- Mitchell Lundin, Phoning It In: Considering the Role of Judgment in Distracted Driving, 2008
- Russell O’Connell, A Questionable Practice: Flashbulb Memory in the Courtroom, 2008
- Dominika Ujlaky, Savant Syndrome: Background, Theories, and Applications, 2008
- Lacey Dorman, Importance, Urgency, and Satisfaction, 2009
- Laura Myers, Selective Attention in Bilingual Students: A Comparison of Selective Attention Skills in Native and Non-Native Languages, 2009
- Elizabeth Aeschlimann, Eliciting Emotion and Affect in Moral Judgment: An Examination of Intention, Personal Force, and Personal Relevance, 2010
- Stephanie Moberg, Applications of Adolescent Attachment Relationships in an Academic Setting, 2010.
- Laura Stone , Stereotype Alternation Through a Cognitive Dual-Process Lens: Examining Stereotype Knowledge Structures, Stereotype Processes, and Perspective Taking, 2010.
- Hillary Wiener, Individual Difference in Advice Seeking, 2011.
- Rebecca Feldman, Is 1942 1853? Increased Cognitive Abilities in Autistic Individuals, 2012
- Naomi Fine, ‘Can I Play Too?’: Theory of Mind and Peer Entry Group Strategy, 2012
- Lauren Hickman, How Cognitive is Cognitive Therapy?, 2012
- Colin MacArthur, Finding the Lost Navigation Guidelines: Next Generation Website Usability Guidelines, 2012
- Amy Murdoch, Do Immediate Contextual Cues Affect Ways of Knowing?, 2012
- Jane Tandler, Modelling Schizophrenic Language, 2012
- Jeff Berg, A Bat and a Ball and A Ballot: Proposing a Metacognitive Foundation for (Partisan) Ambivalence, 2014
- Lauren Chow, Language Transfer in Adolescent Spanish-Speaking English Language Learners, 2014
- Polly Durant, Peer Interactions Across the Lifespan in Individuals with Down Syndrome, 2014
- Rebecca Plotnick, Is There a Context Effect for the Identification of Brand Logos? 2014
- Jennifer Ramey, Gender, not Religiosity, Predicts Differences in Conventional Morality Responses, 2014
- Alyssa Wisekal, Pragmatic Language and Theory-of-Mind Development Through the Lens of Autism, 2014
- Emily Bauer, The Evolution of Narrative Cognition, 2015
- Michelle Chen, To Afford or Not to Afford: Do Digital Objects Have Affordances, 2015
- Andrew Hwang, Cognitive Fluency in Website Navigation, 2015
- Alexander Auyeung, Beyond Bambini: Montessori Methods in the College Classroom, 2016
- Connor Dale, Inattentional Blindness in Early and Middle Childhood, 2016
- Alice Mei, Exploring Cognitive Processing and Gender in Perceived Influence of Speech, 2016
- Joyce Yu, Neuroprosthetics: Reconnecting with the World, 2016
- Shiny Choi, The Foreign Language Effect on the Sunk-Cost Fallacy with English-Chinese Bilinguals, 2017
- Charlotte Duong, Effects of Foreign Language on Decision Making, 2017
- Laura Soter, Is Lying Less Wrong in a Foreign Language? Everyday Moral Reasoning and the Moral Foreign Language Effect in the Absence of Outcome, 2017
- Trixie Dao, The Child as a Consumer: Issues in Child-Directed Advertising, 2018
- Anna Flitner, Bridges to Kindergarten: How Intervention Programs Influence Kindergarten Readiness, 2018
- Katie Tritschler, Language as a Context for Learning: Examining the Role of Language in Immersive Primary Education, 2018
- Ahmed Abdirahman, What is Interaction? Embodiment as a Theoretical Framework for Human-Computer Interaction, 2019
- Zoe L. Harris, The Magic of Summer Camp? The Effect and Mediating Features of Camp on Adolescent Self-Perceptions, 2019
- Morgan Ross, Quantifying Self-Phones: The Effects of Smartphone Usage on Sef-Extension via Smartphones, 2019
- Elliot Schwartz, The Effect of Repetition on Acceptability and Confidence Judgements, 2019
- Valerie Umscheid, Academic Self Concept, Theory of Intelligence and Overconfidence in Late Elementary School, 2019
Teaching: Course Syllabi
- Galotti, Kathleen M. (2018). Cognitive psychology in and out of the laboratory (6th ed). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
- Galotti, Kathleen M. (2017). Cognitive development: Infancy through adolescence (2nd ed). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
- Galotti, Kathleen M. (2014). Cognitive psychology in and out of the laboratory (5th ed). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
- Galotti, Kathleen M. (2011). Cognitive development: Infancy through adolescence. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
- Galotti, Kathleen M. (2008). Cognitive psychology in and out of the laboratory (4th ed). Belmont, CA: Thomson Wadsworth.
- Galotti, Kathleen M. (2004). Cognitive psychology in and out of the laboratory (3rd ed). Pacific Grove, CA: Wadsworth/Thompson.
- Galotti, Kathleen M. (2002). Making decisions that matter: How people face important life choices. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.
- Galotti, Kathleen M. (1999). Cognitive psychology in and out of the laboratory (2nd ed). Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks/Cole.
- Galotti, Kathleen M. (1994). Cognitive psychology in and out of the laboratory. Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks/Cole.
Empirical Reports and Theoretical Reviews
(PDF files of many of the articles are available by clicking on their titles)
- Galotti, Kathleen M. & Umsheid, Valerie A. Students choosing courses: Real-life academic decision making. (In press). American Journal of Psychology.
- Galotti, Kathleen M. Development of human thought. (2019). In R. J. Sternberg and J. Funke (Eds.), The psychology of human thought (pp. 253-266). Heidelberg, Germany: Heidelberg University Press.
- Galotti, Kathleen M., Schneekloth, Michael J., Smith, Anna P., Bou Mansour, Carl, & Nixon, Andrea Lisa (2018). Ways of Knowing and Appraisal of Intellectual Activities. American Journal of Psychology, 131, 53-63.
- Yasmine L. Konheim-Kalkstein, Colleen P. Kirk, Kristen Berish, Kathleen M. Galotti. (2017). Owning the Birth Experience: What Factors Influence Women’s Vaginal Birth After Caesarean Decision? Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 16, 32-48.
- Galotti, Kathleen M., Clare, Lacey R., McManus, Courtney, Nixon, Andrea L. (2016). The Academic Experiences Survey (AES): Measuring Perceptions of Academic Climate in Liberal Arts Institutions. Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning 16(5), 32-48.
- Konheim-kalkstein, Yasmine L., Barry, Michele M., Galotti, Kathleen M. (In press) Examining influences on women’s decision to try labour after previous caesarean section. Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology
- Galotti, Kathleen M., Wiener, Hillary J. D., & Tandler, Jane. M. Real-Life Decision Making in College Students I :Consistency Across Specific Decisions. American Journal of Psychology
- Galotti, Kathleen M., Tandler, Jane M., & Wiener, Hillary J. D. Real-Life Decision Making in College Students II: Do Individual Differences Show Reliable Effects?. American Journal of Psychology
- Galotti, Kathleen M., Clare, Lacey R. (2014) Goals, Styles, and Decisions: Changes and Interactions during the First Year of College. American Journal of Psychology 127 (3), 383-396.
- Galotti, Kathleen M., Kozberg, Steven F., & Gustafson, Mary. (2009). Goal Setting and Decision Making by At-Risk Youth. The Prevention Researcher 16(2), 17-20.
- Galotti, Kathleen M. (2007). Decision structuring in important real-life decisions. Psychological Science, 18, 320-325.
- Galotti, Kathleen M., Ciner, Elizabeth, Altenbaumer, Hope E., Geerts, Heather J., Rupp, Allison, & Woulfe, Julie. (2006). Decision-making styles in a real-life decision: Choosing a college major. Personality and Individual Differences, 41, 629-639.
- Murray-Close, Dianna, Crick, Nikki R., & Galotti, Kathleen M. (2006). Children’s Moral Reasoning Regarding Physical and Relational Aggression. Social Development, 15, 345-372.
- Galotti, Kathleen M. (2005). Setting goals and making plans: How children and adolescents frame their decisions. In J. E. Jacobs & P. A. Klaczynski (Eds.), The development of judgment and decision making in children and adolescents (pp. 303-326). Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.
- Galotti, Kathleen M., Reimer, Rebecca L, & Drebus, David W. (2001) Ways of knowing as learning styles: Learning MAGIC with a partner. Sex Roles, 44, 419-436.
- Galotti, Kathleen M. (2001). Helps and hindrances for adolescents making important real-life decisions. Invited submission, special issue of Journal of Applied Development, 22, 275-287.
- Galotti, Kathleen M.; Pierce, Beverly; Reimer, Rebecca L.; & Luckner, Amy E. (2000). Midwife or doctor: A study of pregnant women making childbirth decisions. Journal of Midwifery and Women’s Health, 45, 320-329.
- Galotti, Kathleen M. (1999). Making a “major” real life decision: College students choosing an academic major. Journal of Educational Psychology, 91, 1-9.
- Galotti, Kathleen M., Clinchy, Blythe M., Ainsworth, Kathryn J., Lavin, Beth, & Mansfield, Annick F. (1999). A new way of assessing ways of knowing: The Attitudes Toward Thinking and Learning Survey (ATTLS). Sex Roles, 40, 745-766.
- Galotti, Kathleen M., Komatsu, Lloyd K. , Voelz, Sara. (1997). Children’s differential performance on deductive and inductive syllogisms. Developmental Psychology, 33, 70-78.
- Galotti, Kathleen M. , & Kozberg, Steven F. (1996). Adolescents’ experience of a life-framing decision. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 25, 3-16.
- Galotti, Kathleen M. (1995). A longitudinal study of real-life decision making: Choosing a college.Applied Cognitive Psychology, 9, 459-484.
- Galotti, Kathleen M. (1995). Memories of a “decision-map”: Recall of a real-life decision. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 9, 307-319.
- Galotti, Kathleen M., & Mark, Melissa C. (1994). How do high school students structure an important life decision? A short-term longitudinal study of the college decision-making process.Research in Higher Education, 35, 589-607.
- Simons, Daniel J. & Galotti, Kathleen M. (1992). Everyday planning: An analysis of time management. Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society, 30, 61-64.
- Galotti, Kathleen M., Kozberg, Steven F., & Farmer, Maria C. (1991). Gender and developmental differences in adolescents’ conceptions of moral reasoning. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 20, 13-30 .
- Galotti, Kathleen M., Kozberg, Steven F., & Appleman, Deborah (1990). Younger and older adolescents’ thinking about vocational and interpersonal commitments. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 50, 324-339.
- Galotti, Kathleen M., Kossman, Debra A., & Sabini, John P. (1990). Generating explanations of social and nonsocial events. Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society, 28, 455-458.
- Galotti, Kathleen M. (1989). Gender differences in self-reported moral reasoning: A review and new evidence. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 18, 475-488.
- Galotti, Kathleen M. (1989). Approaches to studying formal and everyday reasoning.Psychological Bulletin, 105, 331-351.
- Galotti, Kathleen M. & Komatsu, Lloyd K. (1989). Correlates of syllogistic reasoning skills in middle childhood and early adolescence. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 18, 85-96.
- Galotti, Kathleen M. & Kozberg, Steven F. (1987). Older adolescents’ thinking about academic and interpersonal commitments. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 16, 313-330.
- Galotti, Kathleen M., Baron, Jonathan, & Sabini, John P. (1986). Individual differences in syllogistic reasoning: Deduction rules or mental models? Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 115, 16-25.
- Komatsu, Lloyd K., & Galotti, Kathleen M. (1986). Children’s reasoning about social, physical, and logical regularities: A look at two worlds. Child Development, 57, 413-420.
- Galotti, Kathleen M. & Ganong, William F. III (1985). What non-programmers know abut programming: Natural language procedure specification. International Journal of Man-Machine Studies, 22, 1-10.
- Landauer, Thomas K., Galotti, Kathleen M., & Hartwell, Steven (1983). Natural command names and initial learning: A study of text-editing terms. Communications of the ACM, 26, 495-503.
- Streeter, Lynn A., MacDonald, Nina H., Apple, William, Krauss, Robert M., & Galotti, Kathleen M. (1983). Acoustical and perceptual indicators of emotional stress. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 73, 1354-1360.
- Galotti, Kathleen M. & Neisser, Ulric (1982). Young children’s recall of Christmas. Quarterly Newsletter of the Laboratory of Comparative Human Cognition, 4, 72-74.
- Konheim-Kalkstein, Yasmine L. & Kirk, Colleen P. & Berish, Kristen & Galotti, Kathleen M. (2017) Owning the birth experience: what factors influence women’s vaginal birth after caesarean decision? Society for Reproductive and Infant Psychology, 2017, pg 1-13
Pedagogical Articles
- Galotti, Kathleen M. (2008). Teaching Reasoning and Decision-Making in Introductory Cognitive Science Courses. Claremont, CA: Hewlett Project on Cognitive Science.
- Singer, Susan R., Elveton, Roy O., & Galotti, Kathleen M. (2005). Everything Old is New Again: Circularity and Singularity in Science as a Liberal Art.” In (Ed.), Beyond Two Cultures: The Sciences as Liberal Arts. Santa Barbara, CA: Westmont College Press.
- Galotti, Kathleen M. (2004). On being ‘rigorous.’ In S. Singer & C. Rutz, (Eds.), Reflections on Learning as Teachers (pp. 229-238). Northfield, MN: College City Press.
- Haunsperger, Deanna; Galotti, Kathleen M., Cass, Marion, & Paas, Martha White. (2002). Where does the time go? Council on Undergraduate Research Quarterly, 23, 91-94.
- Elveton, Roy O., Galotti, Kathleen M., Komatsu, Lloyd K., Rand, Matthew S., & Singer, Susan R. (2000). Origins and mind: An integrated academic experience for new students. Liberal Education, 86, 32-40.
- Galotti, Kathleen M. (1998). Valuing connected knowing in the classroom. The Clearing House, 71, 281-283.
- Galotti, Kathleen M., Haunsperger, Deanna B., Kennedy, Stephen F., & Komatsu, Lloyd K. (1998). When Your Spouse is Your Departmental Colleague: Dual-Career Couples in Liberal Arts Colleges. Council on Undergraduate Research Quarterly, 18, 175-178.
- Galotti, Kathleen M. (1995). Reasoning about reasoning: A course project. Teaching of Psychology, 22, 66-68.
- Galotti, Kathleen M. (1989). Describing the development of a developmental psychologist: An alternative term paper assignment. Teaching of Psychology, 16, 18-20.
Reviews and Commentaries
- Galotti, Kathleen M. (2010). Francis Galton, FRS. In R. Pass (Ed), Every Book, A Tale Northfield, MN: Carleton College.
- Galotti, Kathleen M. (1999). Legislating styles. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 13, 92-94.
- Galotti, Kathleen M. (1998). Contexts for planning. Contemporary Psychology, 43, 576-577.
- Galotti, Kathleen M. (1997). Neuropsychological investigations of memory made accessible. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 11, 180-182.
- Galotti, Kathleen M. (1996). Bridging and reframing studies of cognition. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 10, 269-270.
- Galotti, Kathleen M. & Komatsu, Lloyd K. (1993). Why study deduction? Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 16, 350.
- Galotti, Kathleen M. (1991). A tale of two developmental texts. Contemporary Psychology, 36, 250-252.
- Landauer, Thomas K. & Galotti, Kathleen M. (1984). What makes a difference when? Comments on Grudin and Barnard. Human Factors, 26, 423-429.
On my personal website, you can see pictures of my family and our dogs.