Photo of John Berini

John Berini

Postdoctoral Fellow in Ecology and Evolution, Biology

Education & Professional History

University of Minnesota, BSc; University of Michigan, MSc; University of Minnesota, PhD

John Berini is an ecologist interested in how anthropogenically driven environmental change influences the interactions that organisms have with other members of their ecological community, and how these interactions influence behavior and demographics. His current work involves looking at how landscape heterogeneity (logging, forest structure, lake morphology, temperature, precipitation, etc.) influences spatially explicit host-parasite interactions in copepods, threespine stickleback, and common loons on Vancouver Island, British Columbia and how summer temperatures influence feeding, movement, and winter survival of moose in Minnesota.

At Carleton since 2019.

Organizations & Scholarly Affiliations

American Ornithological Society

American Society of Mammalogists

Ecological Society of America

International Association for Landscape Ecology

The Wildlife Society

Current Courses

  • Fall 2024
    BIOL 394: Directed Research in Biology
  • Winter 2025
    BIOL 221: Disease Ecology and Evolution Laboratory
  •  2025WI
    BIOL 394: Directed Research in Biology
  •  2025SP
    BIOL 394: Directed Research in Biology