Education & Professional History
Carleton College Coral Reef Ecology in Australia – February/March 2016
Carleton College Director – Conservation Program – Tanzania-January/February 2011
Coe College Aquatic Biology – Wilderness Field Station – Ely, MN – July 2008
University of Dar es Salaam Director –ACM program in Tanzania-2002
Carleton College Biology Department 1969 – 2008
Carleton College Professor Emeritus 2008 to present
Carleton – administration Biology Department Chairman; Director – ENTS 2004-2008
University of Washington Department of Oceanography, Visiting Professor, Spring-Summer 1990.
ACM – Chicago Associated Colleges of the Midwest, Wilderness Field Station, summers 1995-96
Stanford University Hopkins Marine Station. Visiting Professor, Spring 1980
Bermuda Marine Biology at Bermuda Biological Station (Summer 1975)
At Carleton since 2008.
Highlights & Recent Activity
2010 |
Lumbini Academy, Yangon, Myanmar – teacher professional development – BK Kee Foundation, San Francisco |
2013 |
Lumbini Academy, Yangon, Myanmar – teacher professional development – Carleton College/Sloan Foundation |
2015 |
Carleton College – 3 Burmese teachers – teacher professional development – M. A. Bradley Fund |
Organizations & Scholarly Affiliations
National Science Teaching Association; member
Training and K-12 curriculum development, Lumbini Academy, Yangon, Myanmar:2009- 2020
Continuous involvement of Carleton students in research projects during 39 years at Carleton.
Population biology of freshwater mussels, 1992 – present.
Teaching in the community – Cannon Valley Elder Collegium:
Wagenbach, G.E., J.R. Challey and W.C. Burns. 1966. A method for purifying coccidian oocysts employing Clorox and sulfuric acid-dichromate solution. J. Parasitol. 52:1222.
Wagenbach, G.E., and W.C. Burns. 1969. Structure and respiration of sporulating Eimeria stiedae and Eimeria tenella oocysts. J. Protozoology 16:257-263.
Wagenbach, G.E. 1969. Purification of Eimeria tenella sporozoites with glass bead columns. J. Parasitol. 55:833-838.
Jeffers, T.K. and G.E. Wagenbach. 1969. Sex differences in embryonic response to Eimeria tenella infection. J. Parasitol. 56:656- 662.
Wagenbach, G.E. and A. Alldredge. 1974. Effect of light on the emergence pattern of Plagiorchis micracanthos cercariae from
Stagnicola exilis. J. Parasitol. 60:782-785.
Sargent, R.C. and G.E. Wagenbach. 1975. Cleaning behavior of the shrimp Periclimenes anthophilus (Holthius and Eibl- Eibesfeldt). Bulletin of Marine Science. 25:446-472.
Wagenbach, G.E., J.P. Grassle and S.W. Mills. 1983. Host specificity of intestinal gregarines (Protozoa, Apicomplexa) in two sympatric species of Capitella (Polychaeta). Biological Bulletin 165:538 (abst).
Wagenbach, G. E., J.S. Shimeta and J.P. Grassle. 1985. Life history studies of Lecudina spp. gregarines (Protozoa, Apicomplexa) parasitic in Capitella spp. I, Ia, and Orleans (Polychaeta). Biol. Bull. (abst) 169:538.
Brett R. Moyer and Gary E. Wagenbach. 1995. Sunning by black noddies (Anous minutus) may kill chewing lice (Quadreceps hopkinsi). The Auk 112(4):1073-1077.
Wagenbach, G. E., and Richard Strong. 2007. “Addressing Environmental Issues and Feeling Comfy”. p 70 in Building Intellectual Community through Collaboration, C. Rutz and M. Savina, editors. College City Publications, Northfield, MN.
Board Member and President – Valley Grove Preservation Society –
Land care – restoring native vegetation on former farmed fields