Photo of Deanna Haunsperger

Deanna Haunsperger

Associate Department Chair of Mathematics and Statistics, Mathematics and Statistics

John E. Sawyer Professor of Liberal Learning
Professor of Mathematics, Mathematics and Statistics

I teach a variety of mathematics classes at Carleton; my favorites include Introduction to Calculus with Problem Solving, Mathematical Structures, and Methods of Teaching Mathematics.  I’m very involved in the Mathematical Association of America, having served as its President.  I’m particularly interested in supporting women and members of groups underrepresented in mathematics in earning degrees in mathematics, and I was co-director of the successful Carleton Summer Mathematics Program for Women from 1995-2014.

At Carleton since 1994.

Current Courses

  • Fall 2024
    MATH 101: Calculus with Problem Solving
  • Winter 2025
    MATH 101: Calculus with Problem Solving
    MATH 106: A Tour of Mathematics and Statistics
    MATH 236: Mathematical Structures