Photo of Clint Cowan

Clint Cowan ’83

Professor of Geology, Geology

Education & Professional History

Carleton College, BA; University of Michigan, MS; Queen's University, PhD

Shell Research bv, Rijswijk, The Netherlands

At Carleton since 1997.

Current Courses

  • Fall 2024
    GEOL 125: Introduction to Field Geology & Lab
  • Winter 2025
    GEOL 285: Geology in New Zealand: North Island
    GEOL 286: Geology in New Zealand: Topics in North Island Geology
    GEOL 289: Geology in New Zealand: Basic Field Drawing
    OCP 908: Carleton Geology-New Zealand
  • Spring 2025
    GEOL 230: Paleobiology and Lab
Photo of Clint Cowan


Curriculum Vitae
