Dining Office Hours meets regularly to discuss anything related to the food program at Carleton. This is the main place for student input regarding concerns, suggestions, or enhancements to Dining Services.

“The purpose of Dining Office Hours is to keep an open channel of communication between the administration and the student body with a goal of deriving mutual satisfaction from the dining program at Carleton.”

Dining Office Hours members are drawn from the student body and administrative staff. Currently, Dining Office Hours has 3 CSA-approved students-at-large. These Senators are chosen by the Senate based on petitions submitted with an agenda for proposed improvements in the dining program.

Administrative staff representation includes one person from the Residential Life staff, the Dining Services Executive Chef, the Dining Services General Manager, and the Associate Vice President for Campus Services.

Dining Office Hours are open meetings that are advertised in the NNB and on the Dining Services website events calendar. Locations and times vary from term-to-term. 

2024–2025 Dining Board Members


Jesse Cashman [ex officio] [Co-Chair and Convener]
Andrea Robinson [ex officio] [Co-Chair]
Charlie Schwandt [ex officio]
Chris Rohr [ex officio]
Eric Rasmussen [ex officio]
Kelly Rapp [ex officio]
Michael Carlsen [ex officio]
Tanya Hartwig [ex officio]

