

Fun Fact:
Garcia has given permission to fans to have tatoos made based on her drawings.



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Camille Rose Garcia

Camille Rose Gracia (1970-present) was born in Los Angeles and grew up in the generic suburbs of Orange County, visiting Disneyland and going to punk shows with the other dissenchanted youth of that era. Her work is full of creepy cartoon children living in wasteland fairy tales which are critical commentaries on the failures of capitalist utopias and her Alice is no exception. And though her work may be considered to be mostly a critique of her own society, her style does highlight some of the darker elements present in Carroll's work. Expressing her own opinion of Alice, she said "[It's] one of my favorite stories because it's actually a real dark story...so re-reading it I realized I could do a little bit darker of an interpretation than the original illustrations" (Wikipedia). To learn more about Garcia, follow this link to her official website. Below you will see all of the Garcia illustrations from chapters 5, 6, and 7. Click on a character on the menu on the right to see the next image.



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