When this Christmas cactus blooms, I always think of Dacie Moses. Dacie was born Candace Kelley in Northfield on January 26, 1883. She lived in a small Victorian house six blocks north of our house on Union Street, just a half block south of the Carleton campus. […]
Starting in 1947 Dacie, Royal and Rounce began serving Sunday brunch in their home to students, townspeople and farmer friends. She baked muffins and coffeecake and brewed coffee that were ready by 9:30 AM for sleepy students who wandered in and townspeople who stopped by on their way to church. […]
Upon her death Dacie gave her house to the College. It has become “the Cookie House.” Student house managers now keep the kitchen cupboards stocked with cookie baking ingredients, and they serve Sunday brunch for anyone who walks in.