June 2020 House Tour Video

Julia Uleberg Swanson takes visitors on a virtual tour through the Dacie Moses house.

Here is a waltz in honor of Dacie’s House by Tom Moore ’76, written in 1981 (pdf file).

An oral history paper by Sherri Briller ’89 documents the culture and history of the Dacie Moses House (.pdf file of about 1.1MB).

Carleton Singing Knights and Knightingales

Youtube channels: KNIGHTINGALES —————– KNIGHTS

2019 Carleton Holiday Video

The Carleton Communications office created this mini-documentary about life at Dacie Moses house.

Brunch at Dacie’s 2009

Dacie Moses 127th Birthday celebration is documented in this video by Chisa Hughes ’12.

1980 KSTP feature on Dacie and her house

Watch a video interview with Dacie! KSTP TV in St. Paul ran this video in 1980.