Dacie's House in the 1870s
Dacie Moses House in the 1870s (courtesy of Carleton Archives)

1873 – House at 110 Union Street is built by local photographer Ira Sumner. Sumner later became famous for photographing the dead Jesse James Gang robbers.

1883 – Candace (Dacie) Kelley is born on January 26.

1904 – Royal Moses graduates from Carleton College.

1906 – Dacie Kelley and Royal Moses marry on September 17.

1907 – Dacie and Royal’s son Rounce Moses is born December 21.

1919 – Dacie begins work in the Carleton Treasurer’s office in September.

1922 – Dacie and her family move to 110 Union Street.

1923 – Emma I. Kelly (Dacie’s mother) buys 110 Union Street from the Sumner family.

1930 – Rounce graduates from Carleton College.

1936 – The Northfield Male Chorus (of which Royal was a member) practices at the home of Dacie and Royal Moses, and will continue to do so for the next 25 years.

1947 – The tradition of Sunday brunches with Carleton students and other friends has been established, and it has continued uninterrupted ever since.

1951 – Dacie retires from the Treasurer’s office on June 30.

1952 – Dacie begins working part-time in the Carleton Library in January.

1955 – The Carleton Singing Knights (a male acappella group) is founded.

1959 – Royal is awarded a Carleton Alumni Citation for service to the college and students.

1960 – Royal Moses dies on July 8; Dacie increases to working full-time in the Carleton Library on September 1.

1963 – Dacie’s son Rounce dies on April 6.

1969 – Dacie is awarded an honorary Masters Degree by Carleton College; she retires from the Carleton Library at Christmas.

1975 – Dacie is given an Exceptional Service Award by the Carleton Alumni Association.

1981 – Dacie dies on January 3, leaving her home to Carleton College.

1981 – The Knightingales (a female acappella group) is founded.

1984–85 – Dacie Moses House renovated under a special grant from Carleton College.

2006 – The position of Dacie Moses House Coordinator is established; the Coordinator is on the staff of the Dean of Students Office, lives in the upstairs apartment, and supervises the activities of the house.

2014 – The history of Dacie and her house is memorialized in The Cookie House: A Graphic Memoir by Megan Dolezal ’13. 

2023–24 – Dacie Moses house is closed for extensive renovations.