Dacie Moses lived much of her life at 110 Union Street, right next door to Carleton’s campus. She was involved with Carleton for 75 years, including 50 years as an employee of the College. For the last 25 years of her life, until her death in January 1981, her home was open to students 24 hours a day. At Dacie’s students enjoyed coffee, cribbage and cookies, but mostly found warmth, generosity, openness, hospitality, humor and acceptance.

Dacie helped others through various crises even while overcoming her own problems, often at the expense of her privacy and grocery bill. Although she lived to be 97, she counted the length of her life in friends and not years. Her generous lifestyle — not dependent on wealth, health, power or position — inspired students and friends of all ages.

The Dacie Moses Award was established in 1981. Each year, the Alumni Association presents the Dacie Moses Award to the senior or seniors who best exemplify the characteristics of Dacie. For a recommendation in support of a nomination, please fill in the form below.

Include a thoughtful statement of your own reasons why your nominee would be an appropriate recipient.

Nominations and recommendation forms are all due by Friday, April 12.

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