Who is CARS?

Curricular and Research Support (CARS) is a model for providing coordination and communication among the diverse offices and departments that provide academic support to Carleton faculty and students. Members of CARS are support staff including:

What does CARS do?

Many courses and curricular initiatives make use of the support from more than one of the groups listed above. CARS helps to facilitate collaboration among staff so that the support can be integrated, effective, and seamless. CARS activities include:

  • Coordinating meetings of appropriate staff to work with faculty on their curricular and research projects
  • Facilitating support that crosses organizational boundaries such as digital scholarship and data management services
  • Outreach to faculty and students
  • Organizing gatherings of CARS staff to learn about new technologies, projects, and initiatives
  • Assisting the Provost and Dean of Students with assessing the effectiveness of research and curricular support resources

CARS Coordinating Group

  • Wei-Hsin Fu, GIS Specialist, Environmental Studies Dept
  • Wiebke Kuhn, Director of Academic Technology
  • Adit Burkule, Director of Technology Support
  • Claudia Peterson, Head of Reference & Instruction, Library