Sep 22
A&I Convocation with Susan Jaret McKinstry

Susan Jaret McKinstry, Helen F. Lewis Professor of English, has taught courses in literature, critical theory, narrative theory, visual studies, and creative writing (prose, poetry, memoir, and journalism) at Carleton since 1982. She co-edited Feminism, Bakhtin, and the Dialogic, and published articles on Dante Rossetti, William Morris, Jane Austen, Emily Bronte, Emily Dickinson, T. S. Eliot, Toni Morrison, Margaret Atwood, Ann Beattie, and others. She has published poems in Plain Songs I & II, Crosswinds Poetry Journal, Willows Wept Review, Red Wing Poet Artist Collaboration, and The Journal of General Internal Medicine, and her first chapbook, Tumblehome, will be published in 2024.
Jaret McKinstry’s scholarly work examines a group of radical 19th century British writers and artists who believed art could spark social change. Her poetry highlights the intersection of place, history, and story. She delights in connecting research, teaching, and travel: she directed Carleton's off-campus studies programs in London and in Ireland, as well as an ACM program in London and Florence; taught Visual Studies as a Fulbright Scholar in Moscow; participated in a poetry retreat in Galway, Ireland; and led Carleton Alumni Adventures trips in Ireland, Scotland, England, and Norway.
Jaret McKinstry received her B.A. and M.A. from Miami University, Ohio, and her Ph.D. from the University of Michigan. Carleton was her first full-time academic position and her introduction to a liberal arts college, and she has been fervent advocate for the beauty and use of the liberal arts ever since.
The title of the presentation will be The Whole Story...
Convocation will be available for viewing via Zoom for those unable to attend. Please register in advance for the program. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the program. The entire ceremony will be recorded and archived on the Convocations website.
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