Mar 29
Convocation with Steve Hanson | OUR TIME IS NOW
Steve Hanson is a man on a mission. He is determined to open a dialogue that welcomes candid conversations about the challenges we all face, and how those challenges impact our esteem and abilities at school, in the workplace, and even in the safety of our own homes. Through his relatable and personal stories, he shares the pain, the struggles, and the joy; most importantly, Steve reveals how he’s reclaimed his own voice, and learned to embrace clarity, courage, and confidence. Audience members leave his presentations feeling empowered, motivated, and reconnected to their purpose, with fresh tools at their disposal, and a renewed faith in what they can accomplish.
Convocation will be available for viewing via Zoom for those unable to attend. Please register in advance for the program. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the program. The entire ceremony will be recorded and archived on the Convocations website.
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