“Keeping you in the loop since 2005”
Office Zealot Is Looking for Summer Intern
28 April 2006Office Zealot of Apple Valley, MN, is looking for a computer science summer intern. Click above for more information.
Socializing, New Majors, and Comps Topics
25 April 2006What do these three things have in common? They will all be included in the next CS social event! Come join us on Tuesday, April 25, in CMC 206 from 4:30-5:30pm. This event has something for everyone! Old majors: meet the new majors. New majors: meet the old majors and the other new majors, and learn about life in the CS department. Juniors: come for the unveiling of the 2006-2007 Comps projects! Food will be served. We hope to see you there!
Presentation About Semantic Web
17 April 2006Carleton alum Dan McCreary ’82, Data Architect with Dan McCreary & Associates, will be coming to campus. He will be talking about the Semantic Web, which is a possible replacement for the World Wide Web. Dan will be speaking on Friday, April 21, in Olin 04, from 1:10-2:10 PM. Click above for the abstract of his talk.
Visit from John Fox of MemoryMiner
12 April 2006John Fox of MemoryMiner software will be visiting computer science students at noon on April 18 in CMC 206. MemoryMiner provides software to allow people to accumulate memories in an organized way. Visit the website, or see an interview with John Fox. John Fox says that he will be looking for summer interns. Pizza will be served. (This event is sponsored by Cinema and Media Studies as well as Computer Science.)
NetSPI Is Hiring
7 April 2006Carleton alum Brandon Tearse ’04 tells us: “Two years ago I was hired as an intern for a growing information security company in Minneapolis called NetSPI. After receiving training and getting some experience doing internet penetration tests, pseudo-phishing schemes, and other similar security activities I was hired as a security consultant. At that time our organization needed a new intern to replace me. I convinced NetSPI to return to Carleton to recruit a second intern. As a result we hired Anna Grasso (graduated in ’05) as our new intern. Now she’s been hired as a security consultant and we’re heading back to Carleton once again to find interested people. If you are interested in learning about what it is that an information security consultant does and what NetSPI can offer you, feel free to drop by our presentation in Leighton 305 at 3:30 p.m. on Wednesday, April 12. If you can’t make that, you can investigate our company online at www.netspi.com.”
One-Week Grid Computing Workshop
4 April 2006A one week workshop in grid computing will be held this summer on South Padre Island. The event is open to undergraduates, and some scholarship money is available. Check out http://cgwa.phys.utb.edu/Events/Summer2006/summergridws2006.php for more information.
Iowa State REU in Emerging Interface Technologies
29 March 2006The Summer Program for Interdisciplinary Research at Iowa State University is advertising a summer program in Emerging Interface Technologies. Click the link for more information.
Computer Science T-Shirt Design
27 March 2006CS major Leah Steinberg writes: “The idea of a CS t-shirt has been bouncing around for awhile. There’s a proposed design at http://people.carleton.edu/~chasmand/front.jpg and
http://people.carleton.edu/~chasmand/back.jpg. (You can guess how they line up with the orientation of the shirt.) Email color
suggestions to Leah (steinbel@carleton.edu). So far we’ve got purple with orange text, or grey with navy or green text, so let us know what you think.” -
Secure Computing Is Hiring
20 March 2006Secure Computing, located in the Twin Cities, has hired a number of our graduating computer science majors in the past. They are now looking to hire Carleton computer science students that will be graduating in 2006. Click above for more information.
Federal Reserve Hiring Research Associates
8 March 2006The Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco is looking to hire computer science majors with intermediate coursework in finance or economics. Click above for the text of the job ad.