Oct 6

CS Tea: Speakers from 3M research labs - Dr. Jialin Liu and Dylan Cosgrove

Thu, October 6, 2022 • 3:30pm - 4:30pm (1h) • Olin 310

Pairing digital technologies to materials and system research is essential to meet the product needs of rapidly evolving markets. Machine Learning, Automation, First-Principles Modeling & Simulation need to integrate seamlessly with lab & process scale data. These technologies have developed rapidly over the past decades. Traditional new material development processes are relatively slow due to the nature of conducting bench top experiments. To accelerate this process, 3M has democratized select digital technologies through our Model Hub & Materials Informatics Platforms. The field of material informatics is emerging to solve material science related problems using advanced machine learning techniques. In this talk, the speakers will introduce key challenges in traditional materials research and how we develop digital technologies to develop new products and apply science to life.

Dr. Jialin Liu received his Ph.D. in Material Science from Michigan State University in 2019. His research focused on understanding the nano structure deformation mechanism of materials using computational chemistry methods. After joining the 3M Corporate Research System Lab in 2019, he has worked on developing machine learning models and applying state-of-the-art materials informatics techniques to accelerate the novel material discovery process.

Dylan Cosgrove is a Research Specialist and Portfolio Manager for Modeling & Simulation at 3M. He holds a Bachelors degree of Mechanical Engineering from the University of Minnesota. He's spent 15 years at 3M modeling mechanical behavior and systems for new product developments across business groups and diverse markets including 3M SecureFit(TM) Safety Products, Duraprep(TM) Applicators, Pressure Sensitive Adhesives, wearables and much more.

Event Summary

CS Tea: Speakers from 3M research labs - Dr. Jialin Liu and Dylan Cosgrove
  • When
    • Thursday, October 6, 2022
    • 3:30pm - 4:30pm (1h)
  • Where
    • Olin 310
  • Mode
    • In-Person
  • Copy Share Link
  • Categories: Lecture/Panel

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