Oct 5
CS Tea: Stevie Chancellor presents "Human-Centered AI for Mental Health Prediction in Social Media"

Dr. Stevie Chancellor from the University of Minnesota will speak about the importance of human-centered machine learning.
Research and industry both use machine learning (ML) to identify and intervene in physically dangerous health behaviors on social media, such as advocating for self-injury or violence. There is an urgent need to innovate data-driven systems to handle the volume and risk of this content in social networks and its contagion to others in the community. However, traditional approaches to prediction have mixed success, in part because technical solutions oversimplify complex behavior and the unique interactions of communities with both individuals and platforms.
In this talk, I will discuss the importance of human-centered machine learning as a lens to make these predictions more ethical and compassionate, as well as technically rigorous. My approach to this problem combines my disciplinary training in both Media Studies and Computer Science, drawing on work from each to try and make technological innovation more ethical and human-centered. Together, these inform an agenda for human-centered machine learning that is scientifically and technically rich and more considerate of social contexts in data.
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