May 23
CS Tea: Sarah Meerts, Dave Musicant and Varun Saini, a Research Collaboration
Sarah Meerts, Dave Musicant and Varun Saini will share about their experiences.
Title: Diabetes glucose prediction, and a Case Study in Publication Challenges
Abstract: Predicting glucose levels in people with diabetes is a challenging task on many levels. While working on this problem, we found a published journal paper with an algorithm that we hoped to use within our work. We unfortunately discovered that the experimental approach in that paper was flawed, and that the successful results reported in that paper were incorrect. We then set off on a journey to publish a short submission with the journal explaining that the previously published results were mistaken. We were entirely surprised to learn how difficult this was to achieve, despite the fact the original paper was clearly and objectively not correct. In this talk, after defining the technical issues involved, we will discuss the repeated roadblocks that we faced.
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