Apr 12
Hack4Impact Demo Day
Carleton College group Hack4Impact will host a Demo Day featuring the app they created in partnership with Isuroon, a Twin Cities non-profit that empowers Somali women and girls. This app aims to connect Somali women in Minnesota to culturally competent healthcare providers that care about their well-being in a healthcare sysem rampant with racism, Islamophobia, and language barriers. Come if you are interested in any of the following:
- Computer Science and social impact
- Product, Design, or Development
- Isuroon or other non-profits
- Hack4Impact and its mission
Hack4Impact started creating this app a little over two year ago, and we are proud of the work we've accomplished! We would love it if you made it (regardless of whether or not you're a CS major). Come enjoy cookies, tea, and conversation.
Follow our organizations instagram: https://www.instagram.com/carletonhack4impact/
For more information about Isuroon, check out their website (https://www.isuroon.org/).
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