Carleton Email Signature Templates
Below are a few options you can use to personalize your Carleton email signature. They are just that — optional!
Note: These templates do not include maize (yellow) because maize-on-white does meet accessibility contrast standards. Avoid using maize as a text color, unless overlaid on a very dark background.
- Copy and paste the below template into your Gmail signature. You can have a longer version for first emails, and a shorter version for replies.
- Highlight the entire template and change it to “Normal” size in the Gmail signature customize menu. This will make sure your signature is the same size as your default email size.
- Update the signature with your information.
- Send a test email to yourself to make sure it looks okay and that any links are working properly.
OPTION A: Horizontal table, C-ray
OPTION B: Vertical stack, wordmark
First Last (she/him/they) Title or Position Division, Department, or Office |
507-222-XXXX | Mobile: XXX-XXX-XXXX 1 N. College Street, Northfield, MN 55057 Optional Hyperlink |
First Last (she/him/they)
Title or Position
Office or Department
Carleton College