Using the Carleton College Knight

The Knight is Carleton College’s mascot. It is most often associated with athletics, and it does not replace the wordmark. Use approved, unaltered versions of the knight only. The knight may not be used to promote non-College activities or to imply the College’s endorsement. Frequent users of the knight logo may wish to download the logo usage guidelines pdf on the right. Otherwise, a summary of the guidelines is provided below.

Faculty and staff members can download selected versions of the knight. Student organizations must contact us for permission to use the knight.

Carleton Knights Identity

The Knights graphic identity should be managed with consistency and discipline across all communication materials. Proper reproduction of these marks protect and strengthen the integrity of the Carleton Knights brand. The official logos and wordmarks should be used for all Carleton College Athletics applications. Each logo should only be used as an independent and isolated stand-alone graphic. Never group logos or individual graphic elements together as a reconfiguration of the logo.


The official colors of Carleton College Athletics are Blue and Maize. Values for these colors, in the most common color models, are listed below. When possible, full-color output (Pantone Matching System® or CMYK) is preferred. When full color output is not an option, it is acceptable to reproduce the logo in 3-color, 2-color, 1-color, grayscale, or black/white.

Do not modify or recreate 1-color, 2-color, or 3-color versions of the logo from the full-color version. The logo has been optimized for output in each color scheme, with separate files for use on light and dark backgrounds. Use only the official artwork files provided for reproduction.

 pantone colors
  • Full Color: Preferred version for all applications:
    PMS/CMYK – Print media
    RGB – Digital/Screen media
  • 3-Color/2-Color: Reserved for any non-CMYK applications
  • 1-Color: Reserved for applications of blue only
  • Grayscale: Reserved for applications of grayscale only
  • Black: Reserved for applications of black/white only 

Background Colors

The preferred background colors for the Knights Logo are white, maize, or blue. However, the logo can be reproduced on a variety of backgrounds or color fields. Select the appropriate file for color output and the intended background. Artwork has been created with a built-in key line (outer border). The light gray key line is required on dark backgrounds. Follow the examples below to ensure there is enough contrast for the logo to stand out properly. Reproduction of the logo in any variation not pictured below requires prior approval.

Examples of different background colors for the Knights Logo

Prohibited Use

The following are examples of misuse of the logos and marks, and are strictly prohibited. Always use the artwork files as provided by Carleton College Athletics. NEVER recreate the logos or wordmarks.

examples of misuse of knight logos and marks


Faculty and staff members can download selected versions of the knight. Student organizations must contact us for permission to use the knight.