If you’re thinking about getting involved, CRIC is active all year long.
- Apply to join CRIC and work to address social, environmental, and governance issues in Carleton’s endowment holdings. One of the CRIC’s key responsibilities is recommending certain proxy votes to the Board of Trustees, which requires heavy amounts of research (see past reports for examples). We also have numerous new initiatives to engage our corporate connections, and we need fresh faces and ideas! Contact CRIC about open student positions and apply through CSA.
- If you are interested in a faculty or staff position on the committee, please e-mail Kim Smith, faculty co-chair (ksmith@carleton.edu) for more information.
- Email us with thoughts, questions, and comments. We would love to hear from you! You can contact the entire group by using the comment box on the landing page.
- Come and watch a meeting of the CRIC or review our minutes.
- Look into how YOU invest!
- If you currently are invested in anything, look into the policies guiding the companies and funds. Are they in line with your values? If a parent or guardian has money set aside for you, talk to them about how that money is being managed. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions!
Thanks for checking us out, and we hope to hear from you soon.