Location: Facilities Conference Room
Time: 12:00 pm
Present Martha Larson, Ally Tucker, Phillip Lundquist, Kim Smith, Stephie Fried, Mary Savina,
Absent Sharan Ganjam Seshachallam, Rae Horton, Olwenn Fruchart
Secretary: Alexandra Miller
- Sierra Club Cool Schools
- 225 page survey through AASHE STARS that ranks campus sustainability across a variety of sustainability issues. Sierra Club then cherry picks data for their rankings.
- EAC has historically given guidance on Carleton’s participation in the program (STARS)
- The Cool Schools list is used for Carleton to benchmark against ourselves, our peer institutions, and all schools nationally.
- Top three issues areas Carleton excels in: Planning, Waste, Co-Curricular
- Bottom three issues: Investments, Academics, Purchasing
- The EAC decided to focus on Purchasing (part of our waste system), Transportation (hybrid fleet vehicles), Innovations (Divest Carleton, career path for student Waste Monitors). The decision was to also keep submitting to the AASHE STARS program, as it is good for Carelton to continually be analyzing our efforts.
- Carbon Offsets
- Travel in Scope 3 contributes 4,814 metric tons of carbon to Carleton’s overall footprint. 21% overall, 79% of Scope 3 emissions.
- Off-Campus Studies contributes 1,943 metric tons of carbon to Carleton’s overall footprint. 9% overall, 32% of Scope 3 emissions
- Air Travel by Faculty/Staff contributes 1,810 metric tons of carbon to Carleton’s overall footprint. 8% overall, 30% of Scope 3 emissions.
- Commuting by Faculty/Staff contributes 1,061 metric tons of carbon to Carleton’s overall footprint. 5% overall, 17% of Scope 3 emissions.
- It was decided that each of these three areas need specific, targeted approaches and that more research was needed before diving into these areas. All EAC members will be researching projects, companies, and feasibility for each program within the category of Faculty/Staff, Off-Campus Studies, and Commuting.
- Climate Action Week
- There was an update to the EAC that the theme for Climate Action Week will be Sustainable Solutions, the dates being Feb. 11-25th 2017
- EAC or ENTS will start thinking of an event to host as part of the week’s events.