Location: Facilities Conference Room
Time: 3:30 pm
Present Kimberly Smith, Martha Larson, Mary Savina, Olwenn Fruchart, Phillip Lundquist, Stephie Fried, Allison Tucker, Sharan Ganjam Seshachallam
Absent Rae Horton
Secretary: Alexandra Milelr
- Fiscal Year 2017 greenhouse gas inventory results
- Overall 20% reductions in emissions since FY08, despite 6% growth in sq. footage
- Peers have reduced 6%, despite a 7% growth
- Carbon Offsets
- There was a lengthy conversation about offsets for Off-Campus Study programs. Program directors may be hesitant to set aside money from their program budgets, may need support from Tuesday Group or Bev Nagel.
- A sub-committee was created with Sharan, Ally, Stephie, Olwenn, Phillip, and Kim. Meeting Set for March 1st at 3:30 pm in the Facilities conference room.
- Next steps: 1. List of local projects and create protocol for evaluation. 2. Identify faculty who may be interested. 3. Investigate projects that faculty may want to use in their curriculum.
- Funding Requests
- Climate Action Week Budget: $1,173 requested to cover costs for events
- Motion by Mary Savina to approve $820 to cover costs from Sustainability Office sponsored events with CSA providing $353 for the other events that are hosted by student organizations. If CSA cannot fund, then EAC will pick up remaining costs. Phillip Lundquist second. Vote: 8-0-0. Motion passes.
- Discussion was made to have CAW funding through EAC with a cap of $1,000 in future years.
- Meeting adjourned at 4:25 pm