Location: Facilities Conference Room

Time: 12:00 pm

Present Ally Tucker, Phillip Lundquist, Martha Larson, Stephie Fried, Kim Smith, Olwenn Fuchart, Alex Miller

Absent Mary Savina, Rae Horton, Sharan Ganjam

Secretary: Alexandra Miller

  • Funding requests
    • Energy Symposium: $600.00 for speaker honorariums and materials
      • EAC recommends that the organizers come back with a more detailed proposal and include the funding received from CSA.
    • People’s Climate March in Minneapolis: $1,030 for bus service
      • The EAC doesn’t fund proposals for buses to events, but SAO, CCCE, Budget Committee could provide funding
    • People’s Climate March in D.C.: $1,000 for bus service
      • The EAC doesn’t fund proposals for buses to events, but SAO, CCCE, Budget Committee could provide funding
  • Stewsie Awards
    • Student Nominations: Morgan Vought ’17, Bex Klafter ’18, Kate Abram ’17
      • Student winner: Morgan Vought
    • Faculty/Staff Nominations: Alex Miller, Sustainability Program Coordinator, and Fred Rogers VP and Treasurer
      • Faculty/Staff Winner: Fred Rogers
  • Community Update
    • Earth Day this weekend, April 21-24
    • Environmental Quality Commission: Proposed a Climate Action Plan for the city to consider in the Strategic Planning Process and the Greater Northfield Sustainability Collaborative has been working with key members of the community to get feedback.
  • UMP Update
    • Mini Bald Spot and Bell field will be drilled for geothermal wells this summer
    • Who to present the UMP to? CSA- train to speak to, Walter Paul- CSA Present, Residential Life- Sunday Study Breaks, Peer Leaders, Admissions, Energy Club, OIIL, Carleton Weekly, Faculty Retreat, Student-all emails, Bev Nagle