Location: Facilities Conference Room

Time: 3:15 pm

Present Bereket Haileab, Martha Larson, Kim Smith, Amy Sillanpa, Sarah Goldman, Zander Deetz

Absent Jackson Van Fleet, MacKenzie Persen, Steve Spehn, Matt Whited

Secretary: Courtney Dufford

       I. Introduction

Environmental Advisory Committee members and Sustainability Assistants (STAs) were introduced. Martha Larson reviewed the history and mission of the EAC.

    II. Funding Request- Chasing Ice Movie

  • STA Lydia Auner presented a request for $350 to show the movie Chasing Ice.
  • The committee unanimously approved $250 for a winter/spring term showing of the movie and asked that Lydia coordinate the screening with other campus departments and student organizations.

 III. UMACS Applications

  • Six students applied to attend the Upper Midwest Association for Campus Sustainability (UMACS) Conference Nov. 7-9 at Luther College.
  • Funding for all six students was unanimously approved.
  • Students will be asked to meet before the conference to coordinate travel details and will be reminded to take pictures while there. STAs Timmy Zhu and Lydia Auner will organize the group.
  • Courtney Dufford and Martha Larson will contact St. Olaf and Macalester about carpooling opportunities.

 IV. Commuter Survey

Martha presented the forthcoming commuter survey to the committee. In the past, the College has estimated commuting emissions of faculty and staff using zip codes which resulted in an overestimation of emissions because carpooling, walking, and biking were not accounted for. In addition to more accurate emissions data, survey data will be used in the ENTS methods course. Kim Smith, Amy Sillanpa, and Martha stated they would do personal asks to departments to try to increase the response rate. The on-line surveys will be distributed in several weeks.

    V. AASHE Stars

  • Martha asked the committee if Carleton should renew its AASHE Stars subscription which allows us to update the progress we make on our greenhouse gas reductions and which is then shared with Sierra Club’s “Cool Schools” and the Princeton Review “Green Guide”.
  • The committee discussed the importance of attracting students who care about sustainability to come to Carleton and maintaining the visibility of the College’s sustainability efforts.
  • The committee unanimously approved the $450 AASHE Stars subscription renewal.