Location: Facilities Conference Room
Time: 3:15 pm
Present Kim Smith, Martha Larson, Amy Sillanpa, Matt Whited, Sarah Goldman
Absent Bereket Haileab, Steve Spehn, Zander Deetz, Jackson Van Fleet, MacKenzie Persen
Secretary: Courtney Dufford
I. Commuter Survey Update
A survey was issued to all faculty and staff requesting information on their commuting habits. This information will be used to increase the accuracy of Carleton’s greenhouse gas emissions from employee commuting, which is part of the annual carbon footprint reporting. The commuter survey has been sent to all faculty and staff. There is currently a 64% response rate, but two reminder emails will be sent to hopefully increase that rate.
II. Board of Trustees Presentation
Martha Larson presented a Climate Action Plan update to the Board of Trustees and received a generally positive response.
III. Master Planning Update
In regards to the ongoing facilities master planning process, the committee raised concerns that sustainability, specifically decreasing our greenhouse gases, was not being incorporated into the process. Courtney Dufford noted that there was strong student support for sustainable building practices during the student planning session; Matt Whited mentioned that the science committee had not discussed sustainability considerations during their planning sessions. The committee agreed that Martha should draft a set of sustainability bullet points that should be considered within the evaluation criteria for master planning activities. The committee will then review this draft and issue it as a bulletin from the EAC to the master planning committee members.
IV. Funding Request- Green Wars Kick-off Event
- Martha requested $100 for pizza at the Green Wars kick-off planning meeting on behalf of Tori Ostenso, this year’s Green Wars captain.
- The committee unanimously approved the request.
V. Funding Request- Northfield Climate Summit
- SOPE representative Brent Murcia requested funding for the key note speaker and lunch at the Northfield Climate Summit to be held in January.
- The theme of the summit is “science behind climate change” and will feature a key note speaker, panel discussions, and booths of local organizations.
- The committee requested a written proposal and suggested that SOPE could get other Carleton organizations to sign-on. The question was raised as to whether the money should come from “Carleton” or from the EAC. The EAC will thus present a proposal endorsed by various Carleton groups to Fred Rogers to seek overall Carleton sponsorship of the event.