Location: Facilities Conference Room

Time: 12:30 pm

Present Kim Smith, Martha Larson, Sarah Goldman, MacKenzie Persen, Matt Whited, Morgan Richmond

Absent Steve Spehn, Bereket Haileab, Amy Sillanpa, Zander Deetz

Secretary: Courtney Dufford

       I. Stewsie Award Nominations

  • Randy Peck, nominated by Joel Weisberg, was chosen for the staff/faculty award for his efforts to educate the campus about waste at Carleton.
  • Anthony Hill-Abercrombie and Jackson Van Fleet, nominated by Lynn Nichols, were chosen for the student award. They created a student waste monitoring team during weekend trash collection and conducted outreach about waste contamination in the dorms.

    II. Earth Week Events

The committee reviewed the upcoming Earth Day events at Carleton, St. Olaf, and in Northfield. A comprehensive list of activities can be found here. The STAs will be organizing a wind turbine tour as one of these events. The committee discussed transportation funding and determined that bikes and a van would be the most cost effective options.

 III. Climate Action Plan 2.0 Overview

Martha Larson provided an overview of the Climate Action Plan 2.0 process to the committee. The EAC noted that the CAP should be utilized to develop a list of priorities to guide the work of the EAC and the Sustainability Office. Additionally, the committee discussed ways in which data could be used to provide more targeted behavioral change. For example, students could be given information about how their waste/water/paper usage compared with their peers.