Location: Facilities Conference Room

Time: 12:00 pm

Present Rhys Lindmark, Kim Smith, Sydney Wedemyer, Ray McGaughey, Dan Hernandez, Martha Larson

Absent Mark Kanazawa, Libby Nachman, Steve Spehn, Chris Remley, Fadi Hakim, George Vrtis, Ryan Noe

Secretary: Martha Larson

               I.         Sustainability Rankings / Surveys


The Committee reviewed newly-released results of the annual Sustainable Endowment Institute survey which gave Carleton a grade of A-.  Carleton’s response to this survey was compiled over the summer by the Facilities assisted by summer STA, Libby Nachman.  The Sustainable Endowment Institute has been criticized by higher education peers who perceive that their ranking methodology is vague and inconsistent. 

Committee Chair Martha Larson spoke highly of her initial impressions of the AASHE STARS ranking system which is modeled on the design and construction industry’s LEED system for rating sustainability of buildings.  She noted STARS has comprehensive and well-organized categories, is open source, and intends to provide a system by which schools can understand their own level of success and track internal improvement rather than stacking against other schools.  Ms. Larson noted that the Carleton Trustees expressed a desire to see Carleton listed in the Sierra Club list of “Cool Schools” since Sierra Club is one of the most widely-recognized environmental organizations.  The EAC decided not to submit to Sierra Club Cool Schools list last year, finding its criteria, questions and methodology to be too vague and unduly cumbersome.  Ms. Larson will do an evaluation of all three sustainability ranking/rating systems (STARS, Sustainable Endowment Institute and Sierra Club) for presentation and discussion by the EAC.


              II.         2010 – 2011 EAC Budget

The Committee reviewed the 2010 – 2011 budget which includes $3,500 for STA student work. $11,310 in professional services / carryover funds and $2,215 in other expenses such as travel, equipment and supplies.   The Committee agreed that the $11,310 carry-over should be broken down into specified line items that are not currently identified such as meetings and programming.

Ms. Larson also noted that there is a deficit in STA work-study funding during the term due to the fact that the 2010 summer STA position was filled but not budgeted.  Funds from the EAC carryover line cannot be transferred to cover the term STA staff positions, so Ms. Larson will work with the budget office and student work-study office to determine a fund source for this line item.   2010-2011 STA positions will not be affected.

            III.         Movie Night Proposal

Residential Life STA Laura Henry noted she will present a request to the CSA Budget Committee for $65 to fund a screening license for the Green Movie Night on November 9.  Should CSA deny this request, she asked if the EAC would be willing to fund the license.  Committee member Kim Smith suggested that to relieve campus over-programming in general, Ms. Henry should explore opportunities to partner with other organizations on future Green Movie Nights.  Committee members suggested potential partners including SUMO, Farm Club, SOPE and other environmental student groups. 


            IV.         Climate Action Plan (CAP) Update

Ms. Larson presented slides from the October 22 Climate Action Plan presentation to the Buildings & Grounds Committee.  The presentation provided a definition of the ACUPCC and Climate Action Plan, summarized the process and progress to date, showed sample end product diagrams and outlined next steps toward a completed plan.  She invited EAC members to attend upcoming CAP Steering Committee meetings on Nov 4 and Nov 17.    


             V.         Meeting Adjourned (Next Meeting: 11/11/10 @ 12:00 p.m.)