Location: Facilities Conference Room
Time: 12:00 pm
Present Rhys Lindmark, Kim Smith, Dan Hernandez, Steve Spehn, Sydney Wedemyer, Chris Remley, Martha Larson
Absent Mark Kanazawa, Libby Nachman, Fadi Hakim, George Vrtis, Ray McGaughey, Nina Whitney
Secretary: Martha Larson
I. Meeting Minutes approval
Approval of the 10/28/10 meeting minutes was postponed until the next meeting.
II. CSA Green Fund
EAC member Rhys Lindmark noted that the CSA created a green fund to cover the incremental cost of sustainable purchases over disposable products (primarily plates, cups, silverware, etc. used for events). The fund has become difficult to administer and it would be easier if $1,000 worth of reusable kitchenware items were purchased and made available to rent from CSA at an amount less than the cost to purchase disposable items. Mr. Lindmark asked for EAC feedback and – although the EAC has no jurisdiction over CSA funds – all in attendance agreed this was a good idea.
III. Sustainable Revolving Fund
Martha Larson noted that two proposals were submitted for consideration by the Carleton Sustainable Revolving Fund Committee. Ms. Larson summarized the purpose and process outlined in the SRF charter and identified members of the SRF Committee. A meeting will be scheduled in the first two weeks of Winter Term to review both proposals. Steve Spehn emphasized that SRF funds are meant to fund projects that have a 5-6 year payback period. This money is returned to the fund for six years, after which additional savings accrue to the College.
IV. Wind Turbine project update
Martha Larson reviewed the schedule for City of Northfield reviews and Rice County permit hearings which are required to receive a conditional use permit for the project. Ms. Larson noted that there is vocal public opposition to another similar project south of Northfield but that this discussion has not yet had any effect on the proposed Carleton project. The opposition is primarily based on studies that question whether low frequency noise from wind turbines causes health impacts such as headaches, nausea or sleep disturbance. Kim Smith notes that Carleton has an obligation to make sure any genuine risks are reduced. Ms. Smith will suggest resources in the acoustic ecology field who may be able to offer insight.
V. Climate Action Plan update
Martha Larson reviewed the current status of the Climate Action Plan Steering Committee activities. She walked the committee through a sample “wedge diagram” which shows how the plan will summarize the effect of various carbon reduction strategies selected for the final Climate Action Plan portfolio.
VI. STA project updates
Laura Henry provided a summary of current sustainability outreach activities including a sustainability movie night showing of “Farmer John” which was attended by approximately 15 people.
Michelle Hesterberg and Alex Lai reported on the current status of Trayless Tuesdays which resulted in a 22% reduction in food waste as measured by Bon Appetit. Comment cards resulted in approximately even distribution of positive and negative responses. Lai and Hesterberg are in discussions with Bon Appetit and CSA on current status of the program. They will propose that Trayless Tuesdays be continued in winter term and a random survey conducted in the dining halls to gauge student response.
Ms. Lai and Ms. Hesterberg are also launching a pilot dorm bathroom composting program in Myers Hall during the last two weeks of the term. As a measure of success, custodial staff will tally how many bags can be composted verses how many need to be disposed as trash due to contamination.
VII. Winter Term EAC Schedule
Winter Term EAC meetings will continue to be every other Thursday from 12:00 -1:00 p.m.