Location: Facilities Conference Room

Time: 12:00 pm

Present Dan Hernandez, Mark Kanazawa, Martha Larson, Rhys Lindmark, Ray McGaughey, Ryan Noe, George Vrtis, Sydney Weydemeyer

Absent Fadi Hakim, Kim Smith, Steven Spehn, Chris Remley

Secretary: Sydney Weydemeyer

I.               Meeting Minute Approval


Minutes from the February 24, 2011 EAC meeting were approved.



II.              EAC Budget Amendment- Stewsie Award


Martha Larson re-visited the Stewsie Award and suggested that a cash prize could be more useful for the winner.  Mark Kanazawa said that originally the award was to pay the receiver to attend a conference, but then agreed that a cash award could more flexible for the receiver.  Martha and Mark suggested a $300 award (comprised of two $150 prizes) come out of the EAC membership/surveys category of the budget.  This decision was proposed for a  vote by the committee and approved.



III.            EAC Funding- New Requests



a.     Budget Request for Carleton Greenhouse Gas Inventory


Nina Whitney and Rhys Lindmark requested money to create a computer program to calculate the greenhouse gas emissions of flights paid for by the College.  Martha Larson said that this is a challenge for many other schools completing greenhouse gas inventories and  if a successful program were created, many other schools would be interested in the software.  She also said that the program would increase the accuracy of the greenhouse gas inventory.  Ray McGaughey asked if emissions from driving had also been quantified in the greenhouse gas inventory, and Nina replied that only rough calculations had been done because this information cannot be easily broken out from reimbursable expense payments.  Martha suggested that this project be initiated in phases so that Rhys receives more accurate compensation for his time (if the project takes more or less time than originally anticipated).  Ray motions to approve phase 1 of the project for hourly fee up to maximum $140 (at the school rate of $9.28/hr for 15 hrs of work).  Motion passes. 


b.     Budget Request for Waste Wise Audit 


Martha Larson and Alex Lai presented on a project this term that seeks to improve the efficiency of recycling and other waste-saving initiatives.  Minnesota Waste Wise is a consulting firm through the Minnesota Department of Commerce that assists schools with evaluating their waste management programs and advising on waste stream assessment methodologies, waste stream reporting and waste reduction initiatives.  MN Waste Wise has helped Carleton in the past, and was instrumental in helping to increase Carleton’s recycling volume and start the existing third-party composting program.  At this point, the next level of MN Waste Wise services would focus on reviewing the existing waste hauler contract, helping to improve current waste hauling reports and providing more advanced guidance regarding waste stream reduction.  This additional contract is more expensive and would require $500 to be funded from either the EAC or Facilities.  Since the Facilities Director, Steve Spehn, was not present at this discussion, Martha said she will first ask him if facilities could fund the initiative or if it would require support from EAC. She will report back at the next meeting.


IV.            STA Spring Term Work Plan 

Sustainability assistants provided updates on current initiatives which include:

–        Plans for Earth Week celebrations (all)

–        Green Office pilot program (Libby Nachman)

–        Sustainable Revolving Fund (SRF) account reconciliation (Ryan Noe)

–        Greenhouse gas inventory and documentation (Nina Whitney)

–        Combined SOPE/STA bulletin board in Sayles (Laura Henry)

–        Planning for website refresh (all)

–        Planning for New Student Week sustainability programs and new STA orientation program



V.             Old Business



a.     Sustainability Rankings  


Martha Larson continued the discussion about which surveys to participate in for college sustainability rankings.  Although Carleton did not participate in the Sierra Club survey in previous years, college Trustees would like to see participation with this organization because due to its reputation and visibility.  We will submit to Sierra Club this year, but many schools hope Sierra Club will use open source data from the AASHE STARS program in the future.  STARS is believed to be much more comprehensive and accurate way of reporting college and university sustainability achievements.  Carleton does not yet participate in the AASHE STARS program ($900 fee to join) but Martha Larson will be looking into this over the next year.


b.     Wind Turbine Update


Carleton received bids on four wind turbines, two made by Vestas (the existing wind turbine manufacturer) and two made by General Electric (GE).  We have selected a GE 1.6MW wind turbine which is similar in size to the existing Carleton and St. Olaf turbines.  We also received bids from three contractors for the turbine construction and selected Diversified Energy Solutions (DES), the same contractor who installed Carleton’s first turbine.  The data collection on the new turbine is much more comprehensive and effective than data collection on the current turbine (the STAs were very excited to hear this information).  The new turbine is expected to be in operation by Fall 2011, but road, foundation and transmission line installation will begin this summer.


c.     Electric Vehicle Charging Stations


Martha Larson said that Northfield is considering implementing the Green Step Cities program which includes a list of various sustainability initiatives that cities can undertake.  These options include installing electric vehicle charging stations in public areas.  Ms. Larson  will update the EAC as she hears more.



VI.            Announcements

a.     April 5 – NACUBO Smart and Sustainable web conference (Facilities Conference Room)

b.     AASHE Call for Papers extended to April 16 (Pittsburgh conference, October 2011)