Location: Facilities Conference Room

Time: 12:00 pm

Present Martha Larson, Rhys Lindmark, Ray McGaughey, Chris Remley, Steve Spehn, George Vrtis, Sydney Wedemyer

Absent Fadi Hakim, Dan Hernandez, Mark Kanazawa, Kim Smith, Ryan Noe, Nina Whitney

Secretary: Martha Larson

      I.         Campus Parking for Electric Vehicles

Steve Spehn noted that the Facilities Department had received an inquiry from a faculty member who is considering buying the Nissan Leaf, an all-electric car.  The faculty member had asked whether Carleton has or would consider installing charging stations on campus.  Installing a charging station on campus raises additional questions such as how would we charge for that power, where would the stations be located, how many, and how long would people be allowed to use them.  George Vrtis noted that if electric cars will become more common, we need to understand what the larger vision is for how the U.S. will be structured to accommodate electric vehicles on a city-wide or regional basis. Carleton would need to think about how to implement and manage this service if we choose to offer it to employees.  Ray McGaughey observed that installing electric car chargers would be consistent with Carleton’s reputation as a leader in environmental initiatives such as installation of the first college wind turbine installation.  There is value in being early participants in an electric car movement.  As a next step, Libby Nachman will reach out to her contacts at the Northfield Environmental Quality Commission to see if the city has any plans in this regard.  Steve Spehn and Martha Larson will explore the cost and footprint of a 480 Volt charging station.


     II.         EAC Budget Sub-Committee Update


Ray McGaughey reported on the recommendations of the EAC budget sub-committee which consisted of himself, Mark Kanazawa and Martha Larson.  The sub-committee recommends reallocation of the annual budget as follows:

Budget Category: Amount: Notes:

Memberships / Surveys $1,500 AASHE membership is ~$1,000

Conferences $1,000 Funding for student participation

Project Initiatives $600 ie.STA projects, events/prizes ($200 / term)

Webinars / Local Events $300 Travel and minor fees, <$50

Meetings / Campus Events $300 Food, equipment rentals, other support

The sub-committee recommends dividing the $11,335 reserve between additional funding for conferences and project initiatives plus a reserve.  Steve Spehn notes that there is some risk in carrying over funds from year-to-year since unused funds have potential to be reclaimed and reallocated for other purposes within the general college operating budget.  Mr. McGaughey noted that the sub-committee recommends a “top-down” structure for funding conference attendance by which the EAC would choose conferences where Carleton should be represented and ask for applications rather than students requesting funding for any conference of their choosing.  Rhys Lindmark suggested that the annual budget also include a contingency category in case there are expenses that were not anticipated.



   III.         Funding Requests – Project Initiatives:


a.     Trayless Dining in LDC:  Alex Lai and Michelle Hesterberg requested $10 to pay for printing of Trayless Tuesday surveys.  A motion to grant funding was made and approved by the committee.


b.     Composting in Residence Hall Bathrooms: Alex Lai and Michelle Hesterberg requested $390 to purchase small trash cans for residence hall bathrooms when tall cans are replaced with compost liners.  They also requested $237 to laminate signs so they would be more durable in the bathroom location.  Residence Halls with individual bathrooms suites (Evans, Davis, Sevy, Memorial) are not included in the project.  Ms. Lai and Ms. Hesterberg noted that the Carleton custodial department is funding the incremental cost of compost liners over regular trash liners and that all available back stock of small trash cans have already been utilized.  A motion to grant funding was made and approved by the committee. 

c.     GHG air mileage calculator programming: Rhys Lindmark and Martha Larson presented on behalf of Nina Whitney a potential future request that would fund programming efforts for a computer script to calculate air mileage (and greenhouse gas emissions) based on to/from airport locations which are exported from the Carleton business office records.  This would greatly improve the speed and efficiency of this aspect of Carleton’s greenhouse gas reporting efforts.  Ideally, an interactive version of the program could be made available on the Carleton sustainability website for other schools to use.



   IV.         Funding Requests – Conferences:


a.     Real Food Challenge workshop – Rose Cobb-Cherneff presented on behalf of Food Truth a $170 request for funding to support a Carleton alumna who is presenting a workshop on environmental and food system related issues.  The conference would be funded equally by Carleton, St. Olaf and Macalester.  Events are open invitation and will take place at Carleton on February 8 and at St. Olaf on February 9-10.  Conference organizers hope to achieve at least twenty people in attendance at each event.  A motion to grant funding was made and approved by the committee. 


b.     Power Shift 2011 – Ray McGaughey noted that a request is forthcoming from SOPE for EAC funding to support student attendance at the 2011 Power Shift conference.  Funding is also being requested from CSA and the President’s office.  EAC has contributed funds during the past two years.  The conference takes place on April 15-18.


c.     Rio Conference – Martha Larson notes that momentum is building for the 2012 United Nations climate change conference in Rio de Janeiro.  Watch for future events and conferences organized around youth / student efforts in preparation for the “road to Rio.”  The EAC may also want to consider funding a portion of costs for Carleton students to attend the 2012 Rio conference noting that Carleton was represented at the 2009 UN climate change conference in Copenhagen, Denmark.



    V.         Green Wars Update

Libby Nachman provided an update on behalf of the 2011 Green Wars planning committee. Postering will begin during the first week of February, followed by advertising and tabling during the second week of February.  The competition will take place during the third week of February and is limited to a one-week duration to help maintain momentum and interest.  A request may be forthcoming to EAC to help fund prizes.  


   VI.         Local Events: Passive House MN 1st Annual Meeting


Martha Larson noted that the Passive House rating system is a rigorous building energy standard that strives to achieve low to no energy use.  There is a passive house movement developing in Minnesota and Wisconsin and the first annual meeting of the Minnesota Passive House chapter will take place at International Market Square in Minneapolis from 12-2 p.m. on February 3.  Please contact Ms. Larson for more information.



 VII.         Climate Action Plan Feedback / Presentation Schedule

Martha Larson distributed the final January 2011 draft Climate Action Plan to EAC members via email – questions and feedback are encouraged.  Ms. Larson noted that the Climate Action Plan will be presented in detail to College Council on January 31, 2011 and to Carleton management staff at the President’s TOM gathering (aka “the occasional meeting”).  The Climate Action Plan Steering Committee will present to the Board of Trustees on February 11 for their review.  Edits will be incorporated into a final plan for approval and public posting in May 2011.

VIII.         STARS sub-committee


Martha Larson expressed intentions to form a sub-committee to evaluate the AASHE STARS sustainability rating system prior to Carleton registering to participate.  Once registered, colleges have one year to complete the survey.  It is known to be very involved so it will be important to have a team of people working on gathering the necessary data prior to the deadline.  Interested participants in a STARS sub-committee should contact Ms. Larson directly.