Location: Sayles 252
Time: 4:00 pm
Present Present Members: Mark Kanazawa (Chair), Tess Dornfeld, Andy Clark, Mike Kowalewski, Danica Lance
Absent Absent Members: Kai Knutson, Ray McGaughey, Steve Spehn Absent STAs: Ben Hellerstein, Ryan Noe
Secretary: Katie Blanchard
Updates: 1. Mark will chair the EAC through Fall Term or until a new person is found to fill Rob’s position. 2. Update about Rob Lamppa: big loss, but his position will be replaced. Fred Rogers says that there can be input about the definition of his position and the search for a new person. Steve Spehn will create a job description, the EAC will have an opportunity to comment on it/add to it/etc. At the very least, the applicants should be required to come meet with the EAC. Important questions: How should the job be structured? We have the opportunity to propose alternative structures, job descriptions, etc. 3. The ENTS 5th-year position: what to do about this loss? How do we absorb the ENTS 5th-year duties? Who will absorb the duties? Concern: continuity. Discussion of Sustainability Assistant (STA) duties: -maintain the website -maintain Green Network email list -serve on SRF committee Discussion of SRF Committe Membership: -Rob —-? replace w/ STA -5th year —-> replace w/ STA -CSA liason -Budget committee member -Faculty Discussion of Website: Danica is trained in Reason, Rachel Johnson will be maintaining the ENTS website, Ben is interested from the STA side —they could all work together.