Location: Sayles 252
Time: 12:00 pm
Present Steve Spehn, Mike Kowalewski, Hannah Heavenrich, Kate Dorwart, Andy Clark, Danica Lance
Secretary: Ben Hellerstein
I. Minutes from the January 21, 2010 meeting were read and approved.
II. Update from Steve Spehn
a. Climate Action Plan
The proposal from Energy Strategies has been received; we are still waiting for the proposal from McKinstry, which will arrive by Monday, February 8. If hired, Energy Strategies would schedule one site visit for Carleton, but would partner with a local engineering firm and conduct most business over e-mail. McKinstry would spend more time on campus, actually implementing projects and seeing them through. Steve has not heard any update on the request for an extension for the President’s Climate Commitment.
b. New Director of Energy Management
A job description is almost finalized, and will be sent to Human Resources within a week.
c. New Wind Turbine
Ryan Noe is working with Facilities to select a site for the new turbine. Facilities is investigating the best way to finance this project to allow Carleton to receive grants that are ordinarily reserved for for-profit corporations.
III. STA updates
a. Arpita
The first week of Green Wars was a success. The prizes for Green Wars will be organic t-shirts for the students who live in the winning dorm and attend Green Wars events, plus money for the winning dorm to hold a special event. The STAs have received $200 from President Oden to finance prizes. The STAs are submitting a request to the EAC for a maximum of $800 of additional funding for Green Wars prizes and events. The funding request breaks down as follows:
i. $150 for Green Wars events
ii. $300 to the winning dorm to hold an event
iii. $350 maximum for t-shirts (the actual cost of t-shirts will depend on how many residents of the winning dorm qualify to receive a prize)
b. $800 of funding for Green Wars is unanimously approved by the EAC.
c. Michelle
Michelle is working with Facilities to expand compost to the Library and the CMC. Additionally, compact fluorescent light bulbs can now be ordered through the online Work Order Request form.
IV. Sustainability Website
Danica and Ben presented their proposed changes to the Carleton sustainability website, emphasizing a clearer organizational structure and more information on how to live sustainably at Carleton. These changes were approved by consensus of the EAC.
V. Sustainability Revolving Fund
Hannah said that an SRF proposal is being assembled for Vending Misers, which would turn vending machines to low power during off-peak times. This proposal would also incorporate turning off the vending machines over break.