Location: Sayles 252
Time: 4:30 pm
Present Amy Silannpa, Andy Clark, Rob Lamppa, Chris Erickson, Nora Mahlberg, Katie Blanchard, Mike Kowalewski, Ray McGaughey, Steve Spehn, Mark Kanawawa
Secretary: Chris Erickson
New Structure
- attempt to focus the three-chair approach, Rob Lamppa is only chair.
- the old chairs will now be the EAC Steering Committee, meeting on off weeks.
- Subcommittees should try to meet at least once between every meeting, then give a 1-2 minute report. (Ray suggests the 1-2 minute report be a very basic written piece distributed before meetings).
Priorities / Subcommittees
Subcommittees are an attempt to focus EAC toward the interest of the college:
- PCC (President’s Climate Commitment) plan for carbon neutrality due next year.
- Campus use reduction, education campaign.
- Transportation Use
- Green Purchasing
- Promotion of Carleton Initiatives
- Solid Waste/Farm
Pledge of Sustainable Conduct
- Announcement of plan for publicity through Rob Oden
- Rob suggests it should be a yearly sign-up.
Nora: Promotion of campus sustainability subcommittee should communicate with CRIC.
Sustainability Revolving Fund
- Needs a publicity campaign this year.
- Rob would like to see faculty and staff help their students get started with the SRF.
EAC’s communication with rest of campus
- Sustainability Website will feature EAC more prominently
- Green Network Email List. / reorganization of emails
- Chris Erickson will distribute ENTS and Green Network emails to reduce duplication.
Ray requests that we get a copy of the budget for next meeting.
Budget request for Katie Blanchard and Vera Chang to go to food conference in Italy. $400 from the EAC.