Location: Sayles 252

Time: 4:30 pm

Present Amy Silannpa, Andy Clark, Rob Lamppa, Chris Erickson, Nora Mahlberg, Katie Blanchard, Mike Kowalewski, Ray McGaughey, Steve Spehn, Mark Kanawawa

Secretary: Chris Erickson


New Structure

  • attempt to focus the three-chair approach, Rob Lamppa is only chair.
  • the old chairs will now be the EAC Steering Committee, meeting on off weeks.
  • Subcommittees should try to meet at least once between every meeting, then give a 1-2 minute report. (Ray suggests the 1-2 minute report be a very basic written piece distributed before meetings).

Priorities / Subcommittees

Subcommittees are an attempt to focus EAC toward the interest of the college:

  1. PCC (President’s Climate Commitment) plan for carbon neutrality due next year.
  2. Campus use reduction, education campaign.
  3. Transportation Use
  4. Green Purchasing
  5. Promotion of Carleton Initiatives
  6. Solid Waste/Farm

Pledge of Sustainable Conduct

  • Announcement of plan for publicity through Rob Oden
  • Rob suggests it should be a yearly sign-up.

Nora: Promotion of campus sustainability subcommittee should communicate with CRIC.

Sustainability Revolving Fund

  • Needs a publicity campaign this year.
  • Rob would like to see faculty and staff help their students get started with the SRF.

EAC’s communication with rest of campus

  • Sustainability Website will feature EAC more prominently
  • Green Network Email List. / reorganization of emails
  • Chris Erickson will distribute ENTS and Green Network emails to reduce duplication.

Ray requests that we get a copy of the budget for next meeting.

Budget request for Katie Blanchard and Vera Chang to go to food conference in Italy. $400 from the EAC.